10 Grass Tree
Xanthorrhoea species
Habitat: Coastal heaths, wet and dry forests
Season: All year
From top to bottom, this plant had many uses.
Flowers: People collected nectar from the long flowering spikes. The
stalks from old flowers and fruits were used for tinder in making fire.
Flower stem: You can see that the tall brown stalks could make spear
shafts. The soft wood provided the base for a fire-drill in making fire.
Leaves: The soft bases of the young leaves were eaten. Tough leaves were
used as knives.
Barbed hunting spear with base made from Grass Tree flower stalk.
The base of this fire drill is made from the soft wood of the Grass Tree flower
Stump: People collected resin from the base of each leaf and used it
as an adhesive.
Roots: People living in the Port Lincoln area in South Australia enjoyed
eating the roots surrounding the stem base.
A lump of Grass Tree resin can be seen at the left.