Australian Alps bibliography
last updated 21 October 1997
Prepared by staff at the Australian National Botanic Gardens Library and Archives.
* Biodiversity Library
# Heritage Library
+ Central Library
Alves, Lesley & Australian Alps Liaison Committee (1994) Recreation and the development of ski resorts and land management and the environment in the Victorian Alps. [Australian Alps Liaison Committee]. * #
Andrews, Alan E.J. (1991) Kosciusko: the mountain in history. Tabletop Press, O'Connor, ACT. * #
Australasian Regional Seminar on National Parks and Wildlife Management (1994) Proceedings of the ANZECC 6th Australian Regional Seminar on National Parks and Wildlife Management, Australian Alps 1994, 13-27 March 1994. Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council.
Australian Alps Liaison Committee (1997) Australian Alps walking track : Walhalla to Canberra : map guide. [Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra, ACT].
Australian Alps Liaison Committee (n.d.) Australian Alps National Parks cooperative mangement programme (1990-1993).
Banks, Peter B. (1997) Predator-prey interactions between foxes, rabbits and native mammals of the Australian Alps. P. Banks, Sydney, NSW. *
Barlow B.A. (1986) Flora and fauna of alpine Australasia : ages and origins. CSIRO in association with Australian Systematic Botany Society.
Bryan, Walter (c1993) Feral horses in the alps: report of a workshop. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra, ACT. *
Bunbury, Stephanie (1992) Into the high country: your guide to Victoria's Alpine national parks. Victorian Department of Conservation & Environment Tourism Unit, VIC. *
Carr, G. W. et al (1994) Distribution and management of willows (Salix) in the Australian Alps National Parks, Ecology Australia Pty Ltd, Clifton Hill, VIC.*
Child, J. (1969) Australian alpine life. Lansdowne, Melbourne, VIC.
Coggins, Robert [1956] The Snowy Mountains Scheme. Longman Green, Melbourne, VIC.
Costin, A.B. et al (1980) Kosciusko alpine flora. Collins, Sydney, NSW.
Flood, Josephine (1980) The moth hunters: Aboriginal prehistory of the Australian Alps. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra, ACT.
Foster, Raymond (1982) Rock gardens and alpine plants. David & Charles, Newton Abbot.
Frith, H.J. (1976) Birds in the Australian high country. Reed, Sydney, NSW. *, #
Geehi Club (1962) Snowy Mountains walks : a collection of maps and descriptions presenting some walking tracks and routes in the Snowy Mountains area of New South Wales. Geehi Club, Cooma, NSW.
Gibbs, Ross & Mackay, Janet (1993) Australian Alps National Parks horse riding management strategy. Australian Alps Liaison Committee [Canberra, ACT].*
Good, R. (1982) Alpine regions. Hodder & Stoughton, Sydney, NSW.
Good, R. (1992) Kosciusko heritage : the conservation significance of Kosciusko National Park. National Parks and Wildlife Service of New South Wales, Hurstville, NSW.
Green, K. & Osborne, W. (1994) Wildlife of the Australian snow-country : a comprehensive guide to alpine fauna. Reed, Chatswood, NSW.
Hall, T. & Dixon, T. (1992) "Banjo" Paterson's high country. Harper Collins, Pymble, NSW.
Harris, T.Y. (1970) Alpine plants of Australia, including subalpine and montane plants. Angus & Robertson, Sydney, NSW.
Higgins, M (1994) Australian Alps oral history project. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra, ACT.*
Hodges, S. (1996) A bibliography of oral histories on the Australian Alps. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, [Canberra, ACT].
Holth, Tor & Barnaby, Jane (1980) Cattlemen of the high country: the story of the mountain cattlemen of the Bogongs, Reed, Aust. #
Hueneke, Klaus (1982) Huts of the high country. Australian National University Press, Canberra, ACT. # +
Hueneke, Klaus (1987) Kiandra to Kosciusko. Tabletop Press, O'Connor, ACT. #
Jenkins, Robert & Bartell, Roger (1980) A field guide to reptiles of the Australian high country. Inkata Press, Melbourne, VIC. *
Kestel Research & Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service (1988) The Australian Alps National Parks co-operative management: a bibliography of information on the conservation and management of alpine ecosystems. Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service Canberra, ACT.
Kirkpatrick, Jamie & Australian Alps Liaison Committee (1994) The international significance of the natural values of the Australian Alps: a report to the Australian Alps Liaison Committee.
Lennon, Jane & Mathews, Steve (1996) Cultural landscape management: guidelines for identifying, assessing and managing cultural landscapes in the Australian Alps National Parks. Jane Lennon & Associates.*
Mansergh, I. & Broome, L. (1994) The mountain pygmy-possum of the Australian Alps. New South Wales University Press, Kensington, NSW.
Mass N. (1967) Flowers of the Australian alps. Writers' Press, Sydney, NSW.
McCann, I.R. (1987) The Alps in flower. Victorian National Parks Association, Melbourne, VIC.
McHugh, Siobhan [1989] The Snowy: the people behind the power. William Heinemann Australia [Pt. Melbourne, VIC.] #
McHugh, Siobhan [1995] The Snowy: the people behind the power. Harper Collins, Sydney.
Moriaty, Oliver M. (1993) Conservation or destruction of natural resources of Alpine regions of south eastern Australia.
Mosley, J.G. (1988) Australian Alps world heritage : nomination proposal. Victorian National Parks Association, Melbourne, VIC.#
Nankin, Harry (1983) Victoria's Alps: an Australian endangered heritage. Collins: Australian Conservation Foundation, Melbourne, VIC. #
NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (1989) Beyond the snow gums : the alpine area Kosciusko National Park. NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW.+
Rayner, Ray & Victorian National Parks Association (1993) National estate values of areas within the Victorian Alps region, Victoria. Australian Heritage Commision, Canberra, ACT. #
Scougall, B. (1992) Cultural heritage of the Australian Alps : proceedings of the sympsium held at Jindabyne New South Wales 16-18 October 1991. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra, ACT.
Seddon, G. (1994) Searching for the Snowy : an environmental history. Allen & Unwin, St Leonards, NSW.
Siseman, J. (1993) Alpine walking track : Walhalla to Canberra. 2nd ed. Pindari Publications, Blackburn, VIC.