Dillwynia ramosissima
Dillwynia ramosissima Benth.
Bentham, G. (1837), Commentationes de Leguminosarum
Generibus: 15
"Nova Cambria australis. Hügel."
COMMENT: Also described by Bentham in Ann.
Wiener Mus. 2 (1940) 79, which is the reference cited in
Index Kewensis.
Blakely, W.F. (1939) Australian Naturalist: 157-168,
181-187 (168)
Thompson, J. (1961) Papilionaceae. Flora of New South
Wales 101(1): 80-91 (85)
taxonomic Synonyms:
Dillwynia floribunda var. spinescens Maiden &
Betche ; Mueller, F.J.H. von ex Maiden, J.H. &
Betche, E. in Maiden, J.H. & Betche, E. (1916), A Census
of New South Wales Plants: 104, adnot.
Dillwynia spinescens (Maiden & Betche) Cheel ;
Cheel, E. (1923) New or noteworthy Plants from the National
Herbarium, Sydney. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New
South Wales Series 2 48(4): 682
Dillwynia spinescens var. inermis Blakely ;
Blakely, W.F. (1939) A key to the New South Wales species of
Dillwynia. The Australian Naturalist 10(6): 181