Contributing authors
Publications and work in progress of the following authors have been
used to code the relevant taxa.
M. Bresser (Phylacium)
A. Lee (Aenictophyton, Bossiaea, Crotalaria, Muelleranthus,
R. Butcher (Sphaerolobium)
L. van der Maesen (Cajanus, Pueraria)
J. Chappill (Eutaxia, Gompholobium, Jacksonia, Latrobea,
Otion, Phyllota, Sphaerolobium, Urodon)
L. Pedley (Dendrolobium, Desmodium, Mirbelia)
M. Crisp (Almaleea, Aotus, Callistachys, Chorizema, Daviesia,
Gastrolobium, Gompholobium, Isotropis, Leptosema, Mirbelia, Otion,
Oxylobium, Phyllota, Podolobium, Sphaerolobium, Stonesiella, Urodon,
J. Ross (Bossiaea, Christonia, Goodia, Hovea, Plagiocarpus,
Platylobium, Templetonia, Thinicola)
S. Gilmore (Stonesiella)
B. Pfeil (Glycine)
J. Grimes (Cullen)
A. Schott (Callyera)
A. Holland (Rothia)
I. Thompson (Hovea)
P. Jobson (Dillwynia)
J. Thompson (Swainsona)
R. de Kok (Pultenaea)
P. Wilson (Indigofera)
Taxon Coding
The following collaborators coded taxa for The Pea Key:
Ed Biffin, Lindy Cayzer, Greg Chandler, Jenny Chappill, Ian Cowie, Peter
Jobson, Rogier de Kok, Terena Lally, Anna Monro, Bernard Pfeil, Peter
Wilson. 'Interactive Key to Turkish Trifolium'.
Contributing organisations
Photographs and line drawings have been provided by various sources:
Many images were provided courtesy of the Australian National Botanic
Gardens (ANBG) National
Plant Photographic Index, from the 'Interactive
Key to Turkish Trifolium', FloraBase
- Information on the Western Australian flora, C.E. Woolcock collection
reproduced with permission of RBG Melbourne, and various private collections.
Individual photographers: D. Albrecht, B. Barnsely, J.Briggs, J. Chappill,
W. Cooper, M. Crisp, CSIRO, A. Cureton, A. Doley, S. Donaldson, H. Eichler,
M. Fagg, G. Flowers, A. Ford, F. Goulter, B. Gray, C. Green, D. Greig,
B. Hacker, J. Hosking, R. Hotchkiss, F. Humphreys, R. Jackson, B. Jago,
L. Jones, R. de Kok, N. Lamb, P. Latz, A. Lyne, C. Macdonald, D. Mallinson,
G. Manley, J. Mant, G. McEwin, A. McWhirter, W. Molyneux, B. Muffet,
K. Newbey, P. Ollerenshaw, C. Ormay, P. Ormay, B. Pfeil, D. Skirrow,
H. Streimann, I. Telford, K. Thiele, I. Thompson, H. Thompson, C. Totterdell,
A. Whalen, D. Woods, C. Woolcock, J. Wrigley.
Taxon line drawings
Courtesy of contributing journals and publications - see References.
Character illustrations
Sharyn Wragg and The Families of Flowering Plants of Australia key,
K.R. Thiele & L.G. Adams (eds)
Graphic Design
Siobhan Duffy
CSIRO Plant Industry
Editorial matters and copyright attribution
Kirsten Cowley
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
Image and copyright caption linking
Jennifer Bailey
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
Last updated
23 March, 2009