Australian National Herbarium (Program HC)
Cryptogam Collections

The cryptogam collections of the Australian National Herbarium are located on the ANBG site, about 800 m SW of the main Angiosperm collection on the CSIRO site.
The fern collection is stored in standard compactus shelving using the same folders as the Angiosperm collections.
Bryophytes: The bryophytes are split into three groups, the mosses, the liverworts and the hornworts and are stored vertically in packets or boxes in drawers of special storage cabinets.
(see the Bryophyte website developed by Heino Lepp)
Lichens: The lichen collection is also stored vertically in packets or boxes in placed in herbarium boxes on standard compactus shelving.
(see the Lichen website developed by Heino Lepp)
Fungi: The fungal collection is stored in paper packets or boxes or polypropylene bags in herbarium boxes on standard compactus shelving.
(see the Fungi website developed by Fungi Curator, Heino Lepp)
Algae: The relatively small algal collection is stored either vertically in packets in herbarium boxes or on herbarium sheets and stored horizontally.