Senegalia visco - habit

Senegalia visco - leaves


Senegalia visco (Lorentz ex Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger, comb. nov. 

Synonymy and types

Basionym:  Acacia visco Lorentz ex Griseb., Pl. Lorentz.  87.  1874b (as Acacia visite).  - TYPE:  ARGENTINA.  CATAMARCA:  Fuerte de Andalgalá ad rivulos, 13 Jan 1872, P. G. Lorentz 269 (holotype:  unknown; isotypes:  CORD, SI).  NOTE: Grisebach (1879a) indicated that he emended an earlier species description and replaced the name Acacia visite with Acacia visco Lorentz ex Grisebach (1874a,b)

Acacia concinna Philippi, Anales Univ. Chile 36. 2: 170. 1870, nom. illeg., non DeCandolle (1825).  - TYPE:  ARGENTINA.  Mendoza, in hortis, Philippi s.n. [holotype:  SGO (SI photo); isotypes:  SI fragment).  NOTE:  Acacia concinna DeCandolle (1825) is a species of Senegalia from the East Indies.

Acacia polyphylla Clos. in Gay, Fl. Chil. 2: 254.  1846.  non DeCandolle (1813).  Lysiloma polyphylla (Clos) Benth., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 30: 535.  1875.  - TYPE:  CHILE.  Pcia. Coquimbo, San Isidro, 1836, an culta (holotype:  SGO; isotypes:  SI fragment).

Acacia platensis Mang., Anales Soc. Ci. Argent.  87: 128.  (fig. 12, 13).  1919; Manganaroa platensis (Mang.) Speg., Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. (Córdoba).  26:  254.  1921.  - TYPE:  No type cited.  NOTE:  According to Cialdella (1984), a type is available at LP, but we found no specimen cited in Manganaro (1919).

Manganaroa subsericea Speg., Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. (Córdoba).  26:  267.  1921.  - TYPE:  ARGENTINA.  SALTA:  In dumetis montanis praeandinis, locis Quebrada de Guachipas et Pampa grande vocatis, C. L. Spegazzini s.n. (LPS 14305) [lectotype, here designated: LP]; [paralectotype:  Prov. Buenos Aires, La Plata, Jardín Botánico "Facultad de Agron.", C. Spegazzini s.n. (LPS 14304) (LP)].  NOTE:  See Cialdella (1984, 1997) and Gutiérrez et al. (2002) for further information on the type.  In the opinion of the latter authors, both specimens may represent the same accession of plant material.