Senegalia polyphylla (DC.) Britton & Rose in Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 142. 1936;
Synonymy and types
Acacia polyphylla DC., Cat. pl. horti monsp. 74. 1813. Acacia riparia Bertero ex Spreng., Syst. veg. 3: 142. 1826, nom. illeg. non Kunth (Humboldt, Bonplant and Kunth 1823); Acacia fluviatilis Spreng., Syst. Index. 5: 3. 1828. - TYPE: COLOMBIA. MAGDALENA: Santa Marta, Río Magdalena, 1822, Balbis s.n. (in herbarium Bertero) [neotype (Pedley, 1986): G-DC (F photo, IAN photo, MO photo, TEX photo); isoneotypes: P, SI]. (IDC. Vol. 2: 218,425.II.8 K)]. NOTE: This specimen is an appropriate neotype because DeCandolle (1825) indicated that the species grows in Santa Marta (Colombia) and cited the specimen: A. riparia Bertero!.
Senegalia glomerosa (Benth.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 116. 1928; Acacia glomerosa Benth., London J. Bot. 1: 521. 1842. - TYPE: BRAZIL. PIAUHI: Jul-Sep 1839, G. Gardner 1940 [lectotype (Rico-Arce 2001): K (F photo, K photo, MEXU photo, NY photo); isolectotype: BM, F]. NOTE: Bentham (1842), in addition to the lectotype above, listed two specimens (A. Guillemin 809, P. Clausen s.n.).
Senegalia langlassei Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 116. 1928; Acacia langlassei (Britton & Rose) Bullock, Kew Bull. 1939: 2. 1939. - TYPE: MEXICO. GUERRERO: La Botella, 27 Nov 1898, E. Langlassé 677 [holotype: NY (K photo); isotypes: K, P].
Acacia glomerosa Benth. var. parviflora Benth. ex Hemsley, Biol. Cent.-Amer. Bot. 1(4): 353. 1880. - TYPE: PANAMÁ. Empire and Obispo railway stations. S. Hayes 266 and S. Hayes 330 (syntypes: K).
Leucaena boliviana Rusby., Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 8: 91. 1912. - TYPE: BOLIVIA. LA PAZ: Iturralde, San Buena Ventura, alt. 1500 ft, 29 Nov 1901, R. S. Williams 356 (holotype: NY).
Acacia amambayensis Hassl., Feddes Repert. Sp. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 152. 1920. - TYPE: PARAGUAY. AMAMBAY: in altaplanaitie et decliibus, Sierra de Amambay, Sep 1907-1908, T. Rojas 10602 [holotype: G (F photo); isotypes: BM, K, MO, NY].
Senegalia lobana Britton & Killip, Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 35: 142. 1936. - TYPE: COLOMBIA. BOLÍVAR: San Martín de Loba, Apr-May 1916, H. M. Curran 55 (holotype: US; isotype: NY fragment).
Acacia aristeguietana L. Cárdenas, Ernstia 2(1-2): 31. 1992. TYPE: VENEZULA: TÁCHIRA: Las Dentas, vía entre Peracaly Rubio, alt. 1000 m, 25 Sep. 1991 L. Cárdenas and O. Tapias 3864 (holotype: MY, isotype: K?). NOTE: Although Cárdenas (1992) notes that the stamens are fused, this fusion appears to be quite weak, possibly caused by the presence of copious dried nectar.