Communications and Outreach (HD)
Public Displays

Display of research posters, ANBG Visitor Centre, 2009
The CANBR does not have a public display area, so these are largely handled by our two parent organisations:
- CSIRO Plant Industry and its 'Discovery Centre' and the
- Australian National Botanic Gardens and its Visitor Centre.
The Centre had considerable involvement in the preparation of exhibitions in the Visitor Centre at the Australian National Botanic Gardens when the topic is relevant. In recent years this has included some extensive displays on cryptogams.
Laminated posters are produced in conjunction with major conferences or other venues. These have included promotions such as the Pea Key, Euclid, and Australia's Virtual Herbarium.
Displays were set up outside each lecture in for series such as 'Biodiverisity Bites', to illustrate specimens and live plants referred to in the lectures. The display area was also the space for drinks and nibbles and enhanced the social discussions which followed the lectures. |