Home > CANBR | Gardens > Herbarium > Botanical Training Program

Work/Training Schedule for the
Volunteer Botanical Training Program

a typical January-February schedule



Week 1

  • General introduction to program
  • Basics of collecting a specimen and associated data
  • Plant nomenclature
  • Accessing specimen databases and other online resources

Week 2 (online)

  • Plant identification and using identification tools
  • Geocoding and locality descriptions
  • CANBR research presentations

Week 3 (online)

  • Cryptogams
  • CANBR research presentations

Week 4 (in person)

  • Building and site induction
  • Collections training
  • Specimen mounting training

Week 5 (in person)

  • Cryptogams workshop
  • Collections tasks

Week 6 (in person)

  • Collections tasks
  • ANBG Seedbank tour
  • Local field trip



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