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Shrubland dominated by Eremophila polyclada (in flower) and grassy understorey, Burke, NSW

Senna shrubland, Idalia National Park, Qld

Foliage cover of tallest stratum 30 - 70%Open Scrub structure
Foliage cover of tallest stratum 10 - 30%Tall Shrubland structureLow Shrubland structure
Foliage cover of tallest stratum less than 10%Tall Open Shrubland structureLow Open Shrubland structure

Other Shrublands

These shrublands have been extensively cleared in the agricultural regions and in coastal areas adjoining major cities. In the arid zone, little has been cleared but many areas have been impacted by grazing pressure from domestic stock, feral animals and macropods.


photosPhotos from the Australian Plant Image Index


Sources: Australia's Native Vegetation - from rainforest to spinifex, map and information poster produced by the National Land & Water Audit, Natural Heritage Trust, Australian Government, 2001
Map: Australia's Native Vegetation - A summary of Australia's Major Vegetation Groups, 2007, Australian Government website
Structure diagram: Atlas of Australian Resources - Vol. 6, Vegetation, AUSLIG, Canberra, 1990

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