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Australian National Botanic Gardens
Australian National Herbarium

ANBG Living Collection

Australian Plant Image Index

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Taken at. Coffs Harbour, S.G.A.P. Show, NSW.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30386

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. c. 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24618

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. c. 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24619

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. c. 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24620

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. c. 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24621

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. c. 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24622

Gompholobium aristatum
Taken at. Talbot Road Bushland, Swan View, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 46071

Gompholobium baxteri
Taken at. 27km South of Ravensthorpe, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44208

Gompholobium baxteri
Taken at. Cape Le Grande National Park, about 0.5 km from Hellfire Bay car park along walking track to Thistle Bay, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 934

Gompholobium burtonioides
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 176

Gompholobium burtonioides
Taken at. Cranbrook, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44209

Gompholobium burtonioides
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 175

Gompholobium burtonioides
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 177

Gompholobium capitatum
Taken at. Busselton WA
Photographer. Humphreys, F
a 8060

Gompholobium capitatum
Taken at. Bunbury-Stratham Rd, 4 km west of railway line, WA.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30380

Gompholobium capitatum
Taken at. Elgin Rd, Capel, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44210

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. ANBG, ACT.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30032

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. NBG [ANBG], ACT.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30075

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. ANBG, ACT.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30381

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. ANBG, ACT
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 42718

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Talbot Road Bushland Reserve, Swan View, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 46145

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Warner Glen Road 0.3 km N of Brockman Highway, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 47681

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Walpole Nornalup National Park, Coalmine Beach Road, about 1.5 km east of junction with road to jetty, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56780

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Walpole Nornalup National Park, Coalmine Beach Road, about 1.5 km east of junction with road to jetty, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56781

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Walpole Nornalup National Park, Coalmine Beach Road, about 1.5 km east of junction with road to jetty, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56782

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Walpole Nornalup National Park, Coalmine Beach Road, about 1.5 km east of junction with road to jetty, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56783

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Stirling Range N.P., WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62488

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Stirling Range N.P., WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62489

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Yanchep National Park, WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62680

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Yanchep National Park, WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62681

Gompholobium confertum
Taken at. Steward Road, WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62920

Gompholobium cyaninum
Taken at. Whicher Range, 1.7 km along Lily Road from Vasse Highway, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30033

Gompholobium cyaninum
Taken at. Whicher Range, 1.7 km along Lily Road from Vasse Highway, WA
Photographer. Wrigley, J.W.
a 40576

Gompholobium cyaninum
Taken at. Fitzgerald National Park, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54740

Gompholobium cyaninum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, Stirling Range Drive, about 4.5 km east of Western Lookout, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56674

Gompholobium cyaninum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, Stirling Range Drive, about 4.5 km east of Western Lookout, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56675

Gompholobium ecostatum
Taken at. Cassidy Gap, the Grampians, VIC.
Photographer. Streimann, H
a 6701

Gompholobium ecostatum
Taken at. Mount Clay, South West VIC
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44211

Gompholobium ecostatum
Taken at. Wilsons Promontory National Park, VIC
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54181

Gompholobium ecostatum
Taken at. Wilsons Promontory National Park, VIC
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54209

Gompholobium ecostatum
Taken at. Cassidy Gap The Grampians VIC
Photographer. Streimann, H
a 6702

Gompholobium foliolosum
Taken at. Pillaga Scrub, NSW
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44063

Gompholobium glabratum
Taken at. Nowra, NSW
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44212

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. Unknown
Photographer. Parkes, M.
a 13708

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. 14 km SSE of Moss Vale on Meryla Fire Trail, 2 km from Meryla Rd, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 20122

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. Nth Yuraygir National Park, Illaroo Camp area, NSW
Photographer. Wrigley, J.W.
a 40685

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. Broadwater National Park, NSW
Photographer. Wrigley, J.W.
a 41217

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. Australian National Herbarium, ACT
Photographer. Cruzado Melendez, G.; Walker, A.
dig 60667

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Hall, W.
nsb 1649

Gompholobium grandiflorum
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Hall, W.
nsb 1650

Gompholobium hendersonii
Taken at. Moorine Rock, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 53254

Gompholobium hendersonii
Taken at. 20 km W of junction of Hyden / Norseman Road and Forrestiana / SouthernCross Road on Hyden / Norseman Road., WA
dig 73896

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Aranda ACT
Photographer. Manley, G.
ara 133

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Aranda ACT
Photographer. Ormay, P.
ara 134

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Talagandra Forest NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 20123

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Wilsons Promontory National Park, VIC.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30382

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Rocky Cape National Park, c. 1 km along access road from Burgess Cove, TAS
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30383

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Mallacoota, VIC
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44213

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Halls Gap Rd, Grampains, VIC
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44214

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Bendigo reserve, VIC
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54136

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Black Mountain, ACT.
Photographer. Green, C.
a 703

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Adjacent to Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve near junction with Mulligan's Flat Nature Reserve, ACT
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 1194

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Adjacent to Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve near junction with Mulligan's Flat Nature Reserve, ACT
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 1195

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Queanbeyan, Bicentennial Park., NSW
Photographer. Hadobas, P.
dig 61003

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. Queanbeyan, Bicentennial Park., NSW
Photographer. Hadobas, P.
dig 61004

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Clinton, B.
nsb 227

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Clinton, B.
nsb 228

Gompholobium huegelii
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Clinton, B.
nsb 229

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Central Coast, ca 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24611

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Central Coast, ca 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24612

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Central Coast, ca 15 km N of Windsor, Blaxland Ridge, 0.5 km W of Putty Road, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24613

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Marulan - Wingello Road, just east of Tallong, NSW.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30379

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Land outside, and on the northern boundary of, Nadgigoma Nature Reserve (N of Braidwood); along old graded track running north (perpendicular to reserve boundary), NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 7425

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Land outside, and on the northern boundary of, Nadgigoma Nature Reserve (N of Braidwood); along old graded track running north (perpendicular to reserve boundary), NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 7426

Gompholobium inconspicuum
Taken at. Land outside, and on the northern boundary of, Nadgigoma Nature Reserve (N of Braidwood); along old graded track running north (perpendicular to reserve boundary), NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 7427

Gompholobium knightianum
Taken at. C. 16.4 km from Mogumber along Moore River road, WA.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30384

Gompholobium knightianum
Taken at. Hopetoun, VIC
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44215

Gompholobium knightianum
Taken at. Nan Macmillan Park, east end of Lionel Road, Darlington, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 46760

Gompholobium knightianum
Taken at. Cape Arid National Park, Poison Creek Road, about 17 km from junction with Merivale Road, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 902

Gompholobium knightianum
Taken at. Ravensthorpe Range, near junction of Archer Drive and Floater Road, N of Ravensthorpe, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 964

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Bankstown Native Garden, NSW.
Photographer. Greig, D.
a 10586

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Tianjara Falls NSW
Photographer. Donaldson, S
a 12362

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. ANBG
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 20124

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. ANBG SECTION 140
a 24617

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Green Point, Forster, NSW
Photographer. Wrigley, J.W.
a 40484

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Woolli Rd, NSW
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44216

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Wollemi National Park, NSW
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 53154

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. ANBG
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 16613

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. ANBG
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 16614

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Myall Lakes National Park, just east of Bombah Point ferry crossing along Mungo Brush Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 32716

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Myall Lakes National Park, just east of Bombah Point ferry crossing along Mungo Brush Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 32717

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Myall Lakes National Park, just east of Bombah Point ferry crossing along Mungo Brush Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 32835

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Myall Lakes National Park, just east of Bombah Point ferry crossing along Mungo Brush Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 32836

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Myall Lakes National Park, just east of Bombah Point ferry crossing along Mungo Brush Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 32837

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. Australian National Herbarium, ACT
Photographer. Shaw, E.; Burrows, M.
dig 60146

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Clinton, B.
nsb 682

Gompholobium latifolium
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Clinton, B.
nsb 683

Gompholobium marginatum
Taken at. ANBG Nursery.
a 24616

Gompholobium marginatum
Taken at. South of Bindoon, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44217

Gompholobium marginatum
Taken at. W of Ravensthorpe, off Mallee Road, 3 km SE from junction with West River Road, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 1006

Gompholobium marginatum
Taken at. Red Hill - Toodyay Road, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 46020

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Ballalaba Road NSW
Photographer. Donaldson, S
a 12160

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Mongarlowe near Braidwood NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 6029

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Half Moon Flat Wildlife Refuge, 4.7 km NE of Mongarlowe, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24614

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Half Moon Flat Wildlife Refuge, 4.7 km NE of Mongarlowe, NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24615

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Mongarlowe near Braidwood NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 6028

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Mongarlowe near Braidwood NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 6030

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Mongarlowe near Braidwood NSW
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 6031

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 30870

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 30871

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 30872

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 30873

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, along old track near northern boundary, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 31288

Gompholobium minus
Taken at. Nadgigomar Nature Reserve, off Mogo Road, along old track near northern boundary, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 31289

Gompholobium nitidum
Taken at. Near Tozer's Gap QLD
Photographer. Wrigley, J.
ir 79

Gompholobium nitidum
Taken at. Point Archer QLD
Photographer. Wrigley, J.
nq 155

Gompholobium nitidum
Taken at. Cape York Peninsula, Shelburne Bay area, near crossing of MacMillian River by track to White (Wolona) Point, QLD
Photographer. Purdie, R.W.
a 42453

Gompholobium oreophilum
Taken at. Road into Stuarts Pool, off Great Northern Highway, WNW of Newman, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 13950

Gompholobium oreophilum
Taken at. Road into Stuarts Pool, off Great Northern Highway, WNW of Newman, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 13951

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Mount Manypeaks, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 214

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Near Mt Lindesay (c. 5.5 km direct SW of trig) on Mt Lindesay Road, WA
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24609

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Near Mt Lindesay (c. 5.5 km direct SW of trig) on Mt Lindesay Road, WA
Photographer. Crisp, M.D.
a 24610

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. ANBG, ACT.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30109

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Meelup, Dunsborough, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44207

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Denmark, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44218

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Denmark 40km west, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54736

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Denmark 40km west, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54737

Gompholobium ovatum
Taken at. Mount Manypeaks, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 213

Gompholobium pinnatum
Taken at. Woolli Rd, NSW
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44219

Gompholobium pinnatum
Taken at. Arrawarra Headland, NSW
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44220

Gompholobium pinnatum
Taken at. Yuraygir National Park, south of Red Rocks, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 3151

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P
wae 191

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 192

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Esperance, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 53671

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Albany 15km north, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54738

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Glen Forrest: End of Hardeys Road, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 44983

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Glen Forrest: End of Hardeys Road, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 44984

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Monadnocks Conservation Park: Northeast Road, c. 1 km SW from Albany Highway, Wandering, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 46154

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Fitzgerald River National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 132

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Fitzgerald River National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 133

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Fitzgerald River National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 134

Gompholobium polymorphum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P
wae 193

Gompholobium preissii
Taken at. 19.2 km from Jurien Road N along Cockleshell Gully Road, WA.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30034

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Eichler, H.
a 12172

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Munglinup WA
Photographer. Greig, D.
a 6960

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. ANBG
L 3490

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. 14 km due SE of Narrikup, 2 km S along second side road off Settlement Rd, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 20125

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52590

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52690

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52691

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52692

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52713

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. southern W.A.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52714

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at.
Photographer. Watton, G.
a 52894

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Stirling Range, WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62230

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Stirling Range N.P. Bluff Knoll, WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62242

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Watton, G.
dig 69981

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Watton, G.
dig 69982

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Watton, G.
dig 73006

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Watton, G.
dig 73007

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Cape Arid National Park, about 0.5 km W of Journdee Camp area, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 897

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. South Coast Highway between Esperance and Ravenshorpe, about 7 km E from Oldfield River crossing, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 947

Banksia attenuata,
Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Eichler, H.
s 1073

Banksia coccinea,
Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Eichler, H.
s 1074

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Cascades Road WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 104

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Cascades Road WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 105

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Cascades Road WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 106

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
wae 178

Gompholobium scabrum
Taken at. Stirling Range National Park, WA
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P
wae 179

Gompholobium shuttleworthii
Taken at.
Photographer. Humphreys, F
a 8062

Gompholobium shuttleworthii
Taken at. Lake Logue Nature Reserve, along old King Road easement; about 7 km south west of Eneabba, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56185

Gompholobium shuttleworthii
Taken at. Lake Logue Nature Reserve, along old King Road easement; about 7 km south west of Eneabba, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56186

Gompholobium shuttleworthii
Taken at. Lake Logue Nature Reserve, along old King Road easement; about 7 km south west of Eneabba, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 56187

Gompholobium simplicifolium
Taken at. Collier Range National Park, along Tangadee Road, Pilbara,, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 13747

Gompholobium simplicifolium
Taken at. Collier Range National Park, along Tangadee Road, Pilbara,, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 13748

Gompholobium simplicifolium
Taken at. Collier Range National Park, along Tangadee Road, Pilbara,, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 13749

Gompholobium sp.
Taken at. 24km East of Esperance, Near Condingup Rd, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44223

Gompholobium subulatum
Taken at. Nitmiluk National Park, NT
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54477

Gompholobium tomentosum
Taken at. S of Kalbarri National Park WA
Photographer. Flowers, G.
wag 224

Gompholobium tomentosum
Taken at. S of Kalbarri National Park WA
Photographer. Flowers, G.
wag 225

Gompholobium tomentosum
Taken at. Mount Lawley Golf Course, Mount Lawley, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 45011

Gompholobium tomentosum
Taken at. Mount Lawley Golf Course, Mount Lawley, WA
Photographer. Thiele, K.R.
dig 45012

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Mt Victoria NSW
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
sb 141

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Royal Botanic Gardens, Mt Annan, NSW.
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 30035

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Newnes State Forest, Glowworm Tunnel Road, about 43 km N from Bungledoon Picnic Area, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 5613

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Newnes State Forest, Glowworm Tunnel Road, about 43 km N from Bungledoon Picnic Area, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 5614

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Newnes State Forest, Glowworm Tunnel Road, about 43 km N from Bungledoon Picnic Area, NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 5615

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Mt Victoria NSW
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
sb 138

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Mt Victoria NSW
Photographer. Ollerenshaw, P.
sb 139

Gompholobium uncinatum
Taken at. Near Rylstone NSW
Photographer. Streimann, H
wb 59

Gompholobium venustum
Taken at. Cape Arid National Park, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.
a 24623

Gompholobium venustum
Taken at. 28km North of Albany, WA
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44224

Gompholobium venustum
Taken at. Fitzgerald River National Park, Hamersley Drive, between Mylies Beach Road and Hamersley Inlet Road, WA
Photographer. Fagg, M.
dig 997

Gompholobium villosum
Taken at. Toolbrunup WA
Photographer. Humphreys, F
a 7555

Gompholobium villosum
Taken at. Albany 15km north, WA
Photographer. Murfet, D.
a 54739

Gompholobium villosum
Taken at. Walpole Nornalup N.P., WA
Photographer. Lapre, C.M.H.
dig 62219

Gompholobium villosus
Taken at. WA
Photographer. Watton, G.
dig 73034

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at. RBG Mt Annan NSW
Photographer. Fagg, M.
a 20126

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at. Rainbow Beach, QLD
Photographer. Wrigley, J.W.
a 41964

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at.
Photographer. Woolcock, C.E.
a 44222

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at. Australian National Herbarium, ACT
Photographer. Cruzado Melendez, G.; Walker, A.
dig 60661

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Hall, W.
nsb 1651

Gompholobium virgatum
Taken at. National Seed Bank, ANBG
Photographer. Hall, W.
nsb 1652

203 rows found.