Lygodium . A-B , L. flexuosum . A , sporogenous pinnae with outline of large sterile pinnule behind; B , sporogenous lobes (A-B , R.J.Chinnock 8286, AD). C , L. japonicum , sporogenous pinnae with outline of sterile pinnule (H.S.McKee 8265, DNA). D , L. microphyllum , sporogenous pinna with outline of sterile pinnule (R.J.Chinnock 5778 & P.J.Brownsey, AD). E-F , L. reticulatum . E , sporogenous pinnae with outline of sterile pinnule; F , enlarged pinnule portion, showing reticulate venation and sporogenous lobes (E-F , R.J.Chinnock 5786 & P.J.Brownsey, AD).
Illustrators: G.R.M.Dashorst.
Flora of Australia Volume 48 (1998) figure 59.