A-F , Sarcopteryx . A-C , S. acuminata . A , flowering habit; B , male flower; C , petal (A-C , B.Gray 704, BRI). D , S. martyana , fruiting habit (L.Webb & J.Tracey 13272, BRI). E-F , S. stipata . E , fruiting habit; F , dehisced fruit showing seed with aril (E-F , L.Jessup & N.Byrnes 4061, BRI). G-J , Synima macrophylla . G , infructescence and leaf (L.Jessup 523, BRI); H , petal; I , calyx lobe (L.Webb & J.Tracey 8223, BRI); J , seed with aril (L.Jessup 523, BRI).
Illustrators: G.Rankin.
Flora of Australia Volume 25 (1985) figure 18.