Aristolochia . A , A. thozetii , leaf (16?40?S, 145?34?E, J.Berry & G.Andrews s.n. , QRS). B , A. holtzei , leaf and flower (A.Morton AM1601, BRI). C , A. acuminata , fruiting inflorescence (K.F.Kenneally 5875/C, PERTH). D-E , A. chalmersii . D , leaf and inflorescence (Mt White, G. & N.Sankowsky s.n. , QRS); E , dehisced fruit (G.Batianoff 10188, BRI). F-I , A. meridionalis subsp. meridionalis . F , habit (K.A.Williams 83007, BRI); G , flower ( P.R.Sharpe 4838 & A.R.Bean, BRI); H , dehisced fruit; I , seed (H-I , Mt Crosby, L.Bird s.n. , BRI). J-M , A. elegans . J , flowering twig (N.Byrnes 3725 & J.Clarkson, BRI); K , mature fruit; L , dehisced fruit (Burleigh Heads, E.M.Ross s.n. , BRI); M , seed (K , M , P.K.Thompson 147, BRI).
Illustrators: M.Saul.
Flora of Australia Volume 2 (2007) figure 50.