A-C . Acacia microcalyx . A , flowering branchlet; B , pod; C , seed (A , B.Allender LA7, PERTH; B , B.Maslin 2774, PERTH; C , A.Ashby, 29 Oct. 1972, PERTH). D-F . Acacia wilcoxii . D , flowering branchlet; E , pod; F , slightly immature seed (D , D.Wilcox 168, PERTH; E-F , A.Mitchell 268, PERTH). G-J . Acacia crassiuscula . G , flowering branchlet; H , phyllode apex; I , pod; J , seed (G-H , W.Butler, Aug. 1970, PERTH; I-J , J.Beard 2232, PERTH). K-M . Acacia maxwellii . K , flowering branchlet; L , pod; M , seed (K , P.Wilson 8057, PERTH; L-M , D.Whibley, 30 Jan. 1980, PERTH). N . Acacia saligna . Pod (B.Maslin 5054, PERTH). O-Q . Acacia scirpifolia . O , flowering branchlet; P , pod; Q , seed (O , N.Hoyle 511, PERTH; P-Q , B.Maslin 5083, PERTH). R-V . Acacia blakelyi . R , flowering branchlet; S , detail of branchlet; T , phyllode; U , pod; V , seed (R , E.Jackson s.n., PERTH; S , P.Wilson 6664, PERTH; T , A.George 6754, PERTH; U , R.Cumming 2125-5, PERTH; V , H.Demarz D7742, PERTH).
Illustrators: A-H, J-M, O, Q-T, V M.Pieroni. I, N, P, U J.Rainbird.
Flora of Australia Volume 11a (2001) figure 47.