Hakea . A-D , H. multilineata . A , habit (K.F.Kenneally 1303, PERTH); B-C , two views of flower showing early exposure of the gland (B-C , cult. Adelaide Botanic Garden); D , fruits (J.M.Koch N40, PERTH). E-F , H. petiolaris . E , habit; F , open fruit (E-F , B.H.Smith 582, AD). G-H , H. grammatophylla . G , group of fruit; H , inside of fruit (G-H , A.E.Orchard 843, AD). I-K , H. maconochieana . I , inflorescence; J , fruits; K , inside of fruit (I-K , R.W.Purdie 2121, CANB).
Illustrators: Beth Chandler.
Flora of Australia Volume 17b (1999) figure 21.