Hakea . A-E , H. ruscifolia . A , habit (T.J.Hawkeswood 209, PERTH); B , bud (F.G.Smith 1637, PERTH); C , flower without tepals; D , pollen presenter (C-D , Mar. 1902, C.Andrews, PERTH); E , inside of fruit (T.J.Hawkeswood 209, PERTH). F-H , H. aculeata . F , habit; G , pollen presenter; H , fruit (F-H , A.George 14960, PERTH). I-L , H. lasiocarpha . I , habit; J , axillary or involucral bud; K , flower with tepals; L , fruit (I-L , cult. Wittunga Botanic Garden, S.A.). M-P , H. varia , four leaves from one plant (M-P , E.M.Bennett 1999, PERTH). Q-S , H. tuberculata . Q , habit; R-S , two leaves from one plant (Q-S , W.Baxter s.n. , NSW106073).
Illustrators: Beth Chandler.
Flora of Australia Volume 17b (1999) figure 15.