Grevillea . A-C , G. psilantha . A , flowering branch; B , flower; C , pistil and half perianth (A-C , S.J.Forbes 2643, NSW). D-F , G. triloba . D , flowering branch; E , flower bud; F , pistil (D-F , J.S.Beard 1718, CANB). G-K , G. leptobotrys . G , flowering branch; H-I , leaves, showing variability; J , flower; K , pistil (G, J-K , D.J.McGillivray 3712 & A.S.George, NSW; H , A.S.George 15242, PERTH; I , R.J.Edmiston, 6 Dec. 1969, PERTH).
Illustrators: A-C, D.Mackay; D-F, C.Payne; G-K, D.Fortescue.
Flora of Australia Volume 17a (2000) figure 35.