A, 3 stem leaves. B, stem section. C, lamina cells from the upper leaf margin. D, cells from lower leaf margin at transition from papillose to non-papillose cells. E, plant with one capsule without operculum (right) and one covered by the calyptra. F, capsule with operculum. G, leaf apex, abaxial side. H, costal section near leaf apex. I, costal section in mid-lamina. J, section from upper third of leaf. K, section from lower quarter of leaf at junction of papillose and non-papillose cells. L, costal section near base of leaf. Tas: "The Springs", Mt Wellington, alt. 710m, R.D.Seppelt 29130, 1 Aug 2011. (HO)
Illustrators: R.D. Seppelt
Australian Mosses Online