A-C, Scleropodium australe (Holotype, CANB). A, dry shoot. B, stem leaves. C, alar cells. D, Pseudoscleropodium purum, dry shoot (A.C.Beauglehole 93509, CANB). E, Eurhynchium laevisetum, portion of dry shoot (H.Streimann 52087, CANB). F, Eurhynchium asperipes, portions of dry branches (H.Streimann 3243, CANB). G, Eurhynchium praelongum, portion of dry shoot (H.Streimann 46928, CANB). Scales: a: A,D. b: E-G. c: B. d: C.
Illustrators: L. Hedenas
Australian Mosses Online