A-G, Macromitrium longirostre. A, Habit of dry branch. B, Branch leaf. C, Capsule with operculum. D, Calyptra. E, Upper laminal cells; bistratose cells shaded. F, Basal laminal cells. G, Upper leaf sections (W.A.Weymouth 570, CANB [Fig A]; D.H.Vitt 9384, ALTA [Fig B]; D.H.Vitt 9275, ALTA [Figs C,D]; D.H.Vitt 8855, ALTA [Figs E,F]; Bell 348, H [Fig G]). H-N, M. microstomum. H, Habit of dry branch. I, Branch leaf. J, Perichaetial leaf. K, Calyptra. L, Upper leaf section. M, Upper laminal cells. N, Basal laminal cells (H.P.Ramsay 79166, NSW [Fig H]; D.H.Vitt 1973, ALTA [Fig I]; D.H.Vitt 10325, ALTA [Figs J,N]; T.N.Beckett 146, CHR [Fig K]; Bell, 1888, H [Fig L]; D.H.Vitt 10432, ALTA [Fig M]). O-V, M.dielsii. O, Habit of dry branch. P, Branch leaf. Q, Perichaetial leaf. R, Capsule with operculum. S, Calyptra. T, Upper leaf section. U, Upper laminal cells. V, Basal laminal cells (H.P.Ramsay, 1981, NSW [Fig O]; D.H.Vitt 27917, ALTA [Figs P,Q,U,V]; D.H.Vitt 27934, ALTA [Figs R,S]; D.H.Vitt 27903, ALTA [Fig T]). Scale bars: 1 mm for habit and leaves; 100 ?m for cellular drawings.
Figs B-G,I-N,P-V redrawn from D.H.Vitt, The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 54; 1-94 (1983) & D.H.Vitt & H.P.Ramsay, The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 59: 325-451 (1985)
Illustrators: D. Mackay
Flora of Australia Vol 51 figure 25