Vachellia pennatula (Schlechtendal & Chamisso) Seigler & Ebinger var. pennatula, Phytologia 87:164. 2005
Syn. Acacia pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.) Benth., London J. Bot. 1:390. 1842.
Synonymy and types
Basionym: Inga pennatula Schltdl. & Cham., Linnaea 5:593. 1830. - Acacia pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.) Benth., London J. Bot. 1:390. 1842. - Poponax pennatula (Schltdl. & Cham.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23:88. 1928. - TYPE: MEXICO. VERACRUZ: municipio de Xico, region of Jalapa, Hacienda de la Laguna, Aug. 1828, C.Schiede & F.Deppe s.n. (holotype: HAL). NOTE: The type material is a mixture from Jalapa and from near Hacienda de la Laguna. Schlechtendal and Chamisso (1830) mention both in the original description and both are Vachellia pennatula.
Acacia lanata M. Martens & Galeotti, Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 10:315. 1843. - TYPE: MEXICO. OIAXACA: Misteca Alta, Apr. 1840, a 7-8,000 pieds, H.Galeotti 3231 (holotype: BR; isotypes: P, G). (Rudd 1976-1982)
Pithecollobium minutissimum M. E. Jones, Contr. W. Bot. 18:38. 1933. - TYPE: MEXICO. JALISCO: Guadalajara, La Barranca, 25 Nov. 1930, M.E.Jones 27266a (holotype: RSA-POM).
Formal description
Tree to 15 m tall. Bark dark brown to dark gray, smooth to shallowly furrowed. Twigs dark reddish brown to dark gray, slightly flexuous, densely pubescent with erect, yellow-green hairs mostly more than 0.3 mm long. Short shoots absent. Leaves alternate, 60-200 mm long. Stipular spines reddish brown, symmetrical, terete, straight, stout, to 25(40) x 1-3 mm near the base, densely pubescent at the base and sometimes throughout with erect, yellow-green hairs. Petiole adaxially grooved, 3-8 mm long, densely pubescent; petiolar gland solitary, located on the upper half of the petiole, sessile, circular to slightly elongated, 1.0-2.5 mm long, apex flattened with the margins sometimes raised, glabrous. Rachis adaxially grooved, 60-200 mm long, densely pubescent, a sessile, circular gland, 0.4-0.7 mm across, between the upper 1 to 3(5) pinna pairs. Pinnae 17 to 48 pairs per leaf, 15-38 mm long, 2-5 mm between pinna pairs. Petiolules 0.4-1.1 mm long. Leaflets 24 to 60 pairs per pinna, opposite, 0.3-0.6 mm between leaflets, linear, 0.8-3.0 x 0.4-0.7 mm, glabrous to lightly pubescent, lateral veins not obvious, only one vein from the base, base oblique, margins ciliate, apex broadly acute to obtuse. Inflorescence a densely flowered globose head 9-16 mm across, solitary or in clusters of 2 to 5(10) in the leaf axil. Peduncles 12-30 x 0.5-0.8 mm, densely puberulent with erect, yellow-green hairs. Involucre 4- to 6-lobed, located at the base of the globose head, puberulent, persistent. Floral bracts spatulate, 1.2-2.0 mm long, apex puberulent, deciduous. Flowers sessile, yellow; calyx 5-lobed, 0.7-1.6 mm long, the lobes puberulent; corolla 5-lobed, 2.0-2.6 mm long, the lobes puberulent; stamen filaments 3.0-4.5 mm long, distinct; ovary glabrous to lightly pubescent, on a stipe to 0.2 mm long. Legume dark brown to black, straight, not inflated, flattened to slightly elliptic in cross section, not constricted between the seeds, oblong, 50-160 x 16-30 mm, coriaceous, reticulately striate, glabrous, glandular, indehiscent; stipe mostly absent; apex rounded. Seeds uniseriate, imbedded in a light brown pulp, light brown, ovoid to ellipsoid, slightly flattened, 6.5-8.4 x 4.2-6.0 mm, smooth; pleurogram U-shaped, 2-4 mm across. Flowers from March to June Mexico and Central America, and from May to December in South America. Chromosome number: Not determined.
Disturbed relatively dry sites between 500 and 2500 m elevation throughout all but northern Mexico, south into El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and northern South America in southern Columbia (Valle) and Ecuador.
Additional info
Vachellia pennatula var. pennatula is a wide-ranging species throughout most of Mexico and Central America (Seigler and Ebinger 1988). In South America it has a limited distribution, occurring at a few sites in southern Columbia, and scattered localities in Ecuador. This distribution suggests that the taxon was introduced into South America, as some of the collections in Columbia are from a botanical garden, and most of the sites in Ecuador are from the vicinity of Guayaquil. Chazaro Basanez (1977) and later Purata et al. (1999) give a detailed account of the phenology, ecology and economic importance of this species in Veracruz, Mexico.
Vachellia pennatula var. pennatula is most closely related to V. macracantha and V. cochliacantha. All three taxa are common throughout Mexico, and occasionally occur together. Vachellia pennatula can easily be separated from these two taxa by its sessile petiolar glands, the dense, gray to yellow-green pubescence that covers most young parts of the plant, and the thicker (7-12 mm) and wider (12-30 mm) fruits. Also, V. cochliacantha has large spoon-shaped stipular spines while those of V. pennatula are smaller and terete. Of material examined from Mexico, only 21% of the specimens tested contained cyanogenic compounds (Seigler et al.1978; Seigler and Conn 1982, Seigler and Ebinger 1988), while all of the specimens tested from South America were cyanogenic, usually strongly so.
Throughout most of its geographic range this variety is very consistent in its morphological characteristics. The dense yellow-green pubescence is a very obvious on most specimens, being particularly dense on new growth. On old material, however, it is not as dense, and turns lighter in color. Also, the leaflets are usually extremely small, mostly less than 1.5 mm long, and can be used to separate this taxon from V. cochliacantha and V. macracantha. Sometimes, however, the leaflets may reach a length of 3 mm, particularly in the material from South America.
Vachellia pennatula is closely related to V. macracantha, and in areas of sympatry hybrids are occasionally found. In a study of five disturbed pastures in the state of Veracruz, Ebinger and Seigler (1987) found plants of V. pennatula and V. macracantha along with F1 hybrids and backcrosses individuals. Hybrids of these two taxa are rarely, if ever, found outside areas of sympatry. This hybrid was described as the species Poponax attenuata by Britton and Rose (1928). Vachellia pennatula also hybridizes with some ant-acacias. Vachellia chiapensis, V.collinsii, V. hindsii (V. X standleyi.) and possibly V. cornigera occasionally hybridize with V. pennatula in regions of sympatry (Ebinger and Seigler 1992, Seigler and Ebinger 1995). The hybrid V. X standleyi is probably the most common hybrid involving an ant-acacia. Both putative parents are wide-ranging species in western Mexico and throughout much of Central America.
The two varieties of Vachellia pennatula (pennatula and pavicephala) are easily separated. Variety pennatula consistently has large spherical inflorescences that are 9 to 13 mm in diameter (5-8 mm in diameter for var. parvicephala), and the twigs, petioles, and peduncles are densely pubescent with spreading to erect yellow-green hairs that are mostly more than 0.3 mm long (var. parvicephala has matted white to gray hairs mostly less than 0.3 mm long).
Flowering time
March - June in Mexico and Central America, and May - December in South America.
Representative specimens
- La Baila, in Valle Cauca, alt. 945 m, E.Andre 3570 (F, K, US);
- Municipio Tulua, Mateguadua, Jardín Botánico, alt. 1000 m, Apr 1978, H.Cuadros V. 447 (MO);
- Cordillera Occidental, vertiente occidental, Lobo Guerrero, alt. 610-650 m, 9-10 Sep 1944, J.Cuatrecasas 17817 (F, US);
- Municipio de Tulua, Mateguadua, Jardín Botánico, alt. 1030-1180 m, 24 Feb 1969, J.Cuatrecasas, V.M.Patino & J.Ramos 27500 (F, K, US);
- Municipio Tulua, corregimiento Mateguadua, Reserva Natural, Jardín Botánico, alt. 1000 m, 1 Dec 1990, W.Devia A. 3204 (MO, TEX);
- Hacienda "El Trejo", N of Palmira (Cauca Valley), alt. 1050 m, 28 Dec-5 Jan 1939, H.Garcia B. 6399 (US);
- Cauca Valley, near Yotoco, N of Cali, alt. 1100 m, 5 Apr 1986, A.Gentry 54071 (MO, NY);
- Cali, Hda. La Cabana, margen derecha Q. Honda, entre Zarzal y la Victoria, 28 Apr 1987, C.Restrepo & M.D.Heredia 319 (NY);
- Pilalo, 14 Aug 1962, E.Gonzólez 42 (EIU, ILL, MO);
- Capeira, 22 km N of Guayaquil, alt. 20-150 m, 14 Jul 1986, A.Gentry & C.Dodson 54815 (MO);
- Guayaquil, Aug 1836, M.Gaudichaud 65 (G);
- 8 km W Guayaquil, a few ft. above mangrove swamp, 13 Jun 1943, E.L.Little, Jr. 6579 (K, US);
- Durán, 5-8 Nov 1918, J.N.Rose & G.Rose 23584 (GH, US);
- Carretera Mitad del Mundo-Río Guayllabamba, 4 May 1980, J.Jaramillo & M.Lascano 2390 (MO);
Depto Ahuacha:
- 22 Apr 1987, A.R.Turish JBL00077 (MO);
Depto Metapan:
- Bosque San Diego, 17 Jun 1976, E.A.Montalvo 23 (MO);
Depto Santa Ana:
- 8 km al N del centro de la Ciudad de Santa Ana, alt. 550 m, 28 Mar 1995, J.L.Linares & C.A.Martínez 2417 (MO);
- El Pinalito, 1 Sep 1994, E.Montalvo & J.Gonvalez Villacorta 6327 (MO);
- vicinity of Santa Ana, 8 Jun 1922, P.C.Standley 19685 (MO);
- 16.2 miles NE of Guatemala City on road to Puerto Barrios, 14 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 712 (EIU);
- 19 miles S of Guatemala City on C.A. 8, 1 Sep 1965, D.H.Janzen 775 (EIU);
- 19 miles S of Guatemala City on C.A. 8, 1 Sep 1965, D.H.Janzen 776 (EIU);
- at km 38 on the road from Guatemala City to El Progreso, alt. 980, 19 Feb 1991, D.J.MacQueen 62 (MO);
- a 2 km al N de los Leones, alt. 700 m, 4 Aug 1988, E.Martínez S., P.Tenorio, H.Droege & A.N.Díaz 23231 (MO);
- al N de San Marcus de Colón, 28 Sep 1973, D.Harlett 941 (MO);
- Siguatepeque, alt. 1200 m, 20 May 1972, D.Burch 6159 (MO);
- Agua Caliente, 35 km E Lago Yojoa, alt. 220 m, 22 Nov-31 Dec 1980, C.Nelson 6433 (MO);
- La Conce, alt. 150 m, 18 Feb 1981, C.Nelson 7564 (MO);
El Praraiso:
- Ojo de Agua, alt. 2200 m, 27 Oct 1946, L.O.Williams & A.Molina R. 10738 (MICH, MO);
Francisco Morazán:
- alrededores de la U.N.A.H., 7 May 1975, M.Erazo 91 (MO);
- Valle de Angeles, 20 km NE de Tegucigalpa, alt. 1400 m, 28 May 1982, L.Marineros 217 (MO);
- 8 km NE of Tegucigalpa, 17 Mar 1984, R.M.Rivas 158 (EIU, MO);
- 12 km SW of Tegucigalpa, alt. 950 m, 17 Mar 1984, R.M.Rivas 158 (EIU, MO);
- Valle de Otoro, ca. 10 km W of Jesús de Otoro, alt. 800 m, 3 Jun 1991, G.Davidse 34954 (MO);
- along Río Olancho, 8.6 miles SW of Catacamas, alt. 400 m, 4 Feb 1987, T.B.Croat & D.P.Hannon 64092 (ILL);
- 15 km W de Victoria, alt. 300 m, 21-23 Jan 1981, C.Nelson 7220 (ILL);
- Aguascalientes:
- 34 km W of Aguascalientes, alt. 2045 m, 18 Oct 1961, L.E.Detling 8729 (MICH);
- 17 miles E of La Trinitaria, alt. 5000 ft., 26 Jul 1965, D.E.Breedlove 11314 (MICH, LL);
- 12 miles E of La Trinitaria, alt. 4800 ft., 6 Nov 1965, D.E.Breedlove 14092 (LL);
- 6.5 miles W of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, alt. 600 m, 8 Oct 1971, D.E.Breedlove 20156 (MO);
- El Chorreadero, alt. 800 m, 15 Oct 1971, D.E.Breedlove 20540 (MO);
- 18-20 km N of Ocozocoulta along road to Mal Paso, alt. 800 m, 20 Oct 1971, D.E.Breedlove 20945 (MO);
- 6 km W of Teopisca, alt. 1500 m, 26 Nov 1971, D.E.Breedlove 22900 (MO);
- N of Cintalopa, alt. 900 m, 22 Dec 1972, D.E.Breedlove 30465 (MO);
- N of Cintalopa, alt. 900 m, 22 Dec 1972, D.E.Breedlove 30467 (MO);
- along road to La Soledad and Camp. Alegre, 5 May 1973, alt. 1700 m, D.E.Breedlove 34717 (MO);
- 12 km S of hwy. 190 near Rizo de Oro, alt. 1000 m, 16 Oct 1971, D.E.Breedlove & R.F.Thorne 20634 (MO);
- along hwy 190 between Guatemala border at Cuauhtemoc and San Cristóbal, alt. 1125 m, 14 Feb 1987, T.B.Croat & P.Hannon 64840 (ILL);
- between San Fernándo and Moravillas, alt. 840-940 m, 15 Feb 1987, T.B.Croat & P.Hannon 65020 (ILL);
- 25 km SE of Comitán near Lago Tepancuapan, 7 Dec 1967, M.T.Hall & V.R.Hall s.n. (MOR);
- 8.5 miles S of La Trinitaria on hwy. 190, 7 Aug 1966, D.H.Janzen 570 (EIU);
- 2 miles S of Arriago, alt. 400 ft., 5 Jul 1968, C.D.Johnson 205-68 (MO);
- 21 miles N of Arriago, alt. 2400 ft., 5 Jul 1968, C.D.Johnson 208-68 (MO);
- Nuevo Amatenango, alt. 1300 m, 17 Jul 1941, E.Matuda 4764 (MO);
- Yaxoquintela, floodplain of Río Santa Cruz, alt. 560 m, 26 Oct 1978, J.E.Rawlins 75 (CM);
- 14 miles W of Ocozocoautla on hwy. 190, 3 Aug 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9790 (ILL);
- 8 miles N of Chiapa de Corzo on hwy. 195, 1 Jun 1980, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11585 (ILL);
- Mun. Frontera Comalapa En Jaboncillo, 75 km al SE de Comitan, alt. 630 m, 27 Oct 1989, J.C.Soto, D.Sutton, R.Hampshire, R.Lira & A.Reyes 13490 (BM);
- Rancho Las Carolinas, a 6 km al NW de la Planta La Angostura, alt. 600 m, 5 Dec 1980, M.Sousa, P.Basurto & T.P.Ramamoorthy 11338 (ILL);
- a 15 km al N de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, alt. 600 m, 8 Dec 1980, M.Sousa, P.Basurto & T.P.Ramamoorthy 11404 (WIS);
- El Rosario, alt. 1600 m, 5 Aug 1986, E.Ventura & E.López 4035 (MO);
- Las Cruces, alt. 1600 m, 22 Apr 1987, E.Ventura & E.López 4455 (MO);
- El Sumidero, 19 Mar 1984, P.Tenorio L., J.Lafrankie & A.Ramírez R. 5884 (MO);
- Rancho Carmen, alt. 600 m, 15 May 1983, A.M.Ton 6027 (MO);
- 3.5 miles N of La Bufa on the road to Creel, 7 Jul 1969, O.H.Soule 618 (MO);
- 3.5 miles N of La Bufa on the road to Creel, 7 Jul 1969, O.H.Soule 620 (MO);
- Sierra Orejón, Río Mayo, 19 Dec 1934, H.S.Gentry 1202 (MO);
- 2 miles E of Armeria on hwy. 110, 23 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11537 (ILL);
- un km de Temohayanpor el camino a Mezquital, alt. 1350 m, 2 Oct 1984, M.Gonzáles & J.Rzedowski 1632 (MICH);
- Paso de Sihuocori, alt. 1450 m, 1 Dec 1970, O.H.Soule 2249 (MO);
- Carboneras, 54 km al SW de San Miguel de Cruces, alt. 1800 m, 6 Jul 1984, P.Tenorio L. & C.Romero de T. 6238 (MO);
- 5 km al ENE de Comanjilla, alt. 2080 m, 21 Sep 1988, R.Galván & J.D.Galván 3162 (MO);
- Rancho San Cristóbal, road to San Diego de Alejandria from San Francisco del Rincón, 14 Dec 1990, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & C.Gratton 13097 (ILL);
- 4 miles N of intersection of road to León and route 45, N of León, 30 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13624 (ILL);
- Mal Paso-Chumbitaro, 13 Nov 1934, G.B.Hinton 6973 (MO);
- Calavera, alt. 500 m, 1 Apr 1937, G.B.Hinton 9986 (MO);
- Mina, alt. 500 m, Apr 1937, G.B.Hinton 10021 (ILL);
- Calavera, alt. 500 m, 10 Apr 1937, G.B.Hinton 10040 (MO);
- a 10 km al E de Omiltemi, 27 Mar 1982, E.Martínez S. & O.Téllez 293 (MO);
- 11 km E of Huitzuco, 16 Jul 1993, D.Seigler, D.Clarke & K.Potgieter 13904 (EIU);
- 1 mile S of exit to Taxco on route 95, 28 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13586 (EIU, ILL);
- 16 miles N of Taxco on route 55, 29 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13608 (EIU, ILL);
- 11 miles N of El Rincón on route 95, 27 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11554 (ILL);
- En Guayameo, alt. 725 m, 21 Mar 1983, J.C.Soto N., E.Martínez, F.Maradiaga & B.Hernández 4932 (MO);
- Jacala, alt. 4500 ft., 2 Jul 1939, V.H.Chase 7263 (MICH, MO, ILL);
- Jacala, alt. 4800 ft. 14 Aug 1937, G.L.Fisher s.n. (MO);
- Jacala, 15 Nov 1937, L.A.Kenoyer s.n. (MO);
- Brecha Cuzalapa-El Durazno, alt. 860 m, 10 May 1990, J.Cevallos, A.L.Cardenas, Niz & L.Robles 22 (WIS);
- 20 km al ESE de Autlán, camino Manantlan, alt. 1400-1700 m, 24 Oct 1987, R.Cuevas & L.Cruz 2653 (WIS);
- 13 km S of El Chante, alt. 1520 m, 4 Jan 1979, H.H.Iltes, R.Guzmán M. & M.Nee 1167 (MICH, WIS);
- 3 miles S of Tecolatlan, alt. 4000 ft., 1 Jan 1973, C.D.Johnson 6-73 (MO);
- 8 miles S of Atenquique, 3 Jan 1973, C.D.Johnson 42-73 (MO);
- 7 miles W of Magdalena, 2 Mar 1973, C.D.Johnson 321-73 (MO, WIS);
- 3 miles to Chapala, 5 Mar 1973, C.D.Johnson 332-73 (MO);
- 8 miles S of Atenquique, alt. 4000 ft., 6 Mar 1973, C.D.Johnson 359-73 (MO);
- 8 miles S of Puerto Vallarta, 9 Mar 1973, C.D.Johnson 459-73 (MO);
- 3 km brecha a Jilotlán, 31 Aug 1979, J.A.S.Magallánes 1765 (MO);
- 3 km al S de Cd. Guzmán, 24 Jun 1980, J.A.S.Magallánes 2293 (MO);
- camino Ayotitlan-La Palma Alta, alt. 900 m, 2 Jul 1990, Niz, J.Cevallos, A.L.Cárdenas & L.Robles 186 (WIS);
- Mpio. Cuautitlán, 3.5 km al E de Cuzalapa, alt. 950 m, 28 Jul 1989, Niz, L.Robles & A.L.Cárdenas 91 (WIS);
- rocky hills near Guadalajara, 23 May 1889, C.G.Pringle 2483 (MICH, MO);
- hills near Guadalajara, alt. 5000 ft., 14 May 1901, C.G.Pringle 9352 (MO);
- 37 km al SSE de Autlán, alt. 800 m, 17 Dec 1987, M.Rosales & A.Flores 158 (WIS);
- 39 miles W of Guadalupe on hwy. 80, 20 Jul 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9495 (ILL);
- 12 miles NW of Tecolotlán on hwy. 80, 21 Jul 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9533 (ILL);
- 4 miles SW of Tecolotlán on hwy. 80, 23 Jul 1980, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11530 (ILL);
- 2-3 km al W de Ahuacapán, camino a Las Joyes, alt. 1050-1100 m, 27 Feb 1987, A.Vázquez & L.Guzmán 4207 (WIS);
- 39.5 km al SE de Autlán, camino a Chancol, alt. 1100 m, 20 Jul 1987, A.Vázquez & R.Zuñiga 4471 (WIS);
- Jorullo Volcano, 26 Jul 1950, W.A.Eggler 124 (MO);
- 8-10 km SW of Jiguilpán, 5-7 Aug 1959, C.Feddema 80 (MICH, MO);
- Tancitaro region, alt. 3200 ft, 17 Aug 1941, W.C.Leavenworth & H.Hoogstraal 1628 (MO);
- Tancitaro region, alt. 3500 ft, 23 Aug 1941, W.C.Leavenworth & H.Hoogstraal 1775 (MO);
- 11 km SE of Maravatio, 12 Dec 1990, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & C.Gratton 13081 (ILL);
- 10 miles W of Sahuayo on hwy. 110, 24 May 1980, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11541 (ILL);
- carr. Jacona-Los Reyes, a 10 km al SW de Jacona, alt. 1770 m, 23 Aug 1980, J.C.Soto N. & L.Cortes A. 2418 (ILL);
- Cuernavaca, alt. 1820 m, 16 Aug 1982, O.R.Dorado R. 851 (MO);
- 10 km S Yautepec, por carretera a Zacatepec, alt. 500 m, 10 Jun 1983, H.M.Hernández & A.Chacón 118 (MICH, MO);
- Carahuamilpa, May 1932, E.L.Lyonnet 1060 (MO);
- 3 km N of Alpuyeca on hwy. 95, 19 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12605 (ILL);
- 3 km N of Alpuyeca on hwy. 95, 19 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12607 (ILL);
- near village of Tetitlán, alt. 900 m, 15 Aug 1959, C.Feddema 530A (MICH);
- 14 miles N of Tepic, alt. 450-600 m, 21 Aug 1959, C.Feddema 802 (MICH, MO);
- Rancho San Isidor, valley of the Rio Jesús María, 10 km E of Jesús María, 20-21 Sep 1960, C.Feddema 1347 (MICH);
- 31 km al NE de Jesús María, alt. 1430 m, 27 Jul 1990, G.Flores F., R.Ramírez, I.Treja & P.Tenorio 2088 (MO);
- 6.4 km al NW de La Mesa del Nayar, alt. 1960 m, 27 Sep 1989, G.Flores F. & P.Tenorio 1453 (MICH, MO);
- trail from Yxtlán to Juanacata, 2 Oct 1926, Y.Mexía 904 (MINN);
- 21 miles NE of San Blas, alt. 200 m, 21 Apr 1951, R.McVaugh 12077 (MICH);
- 10 miles N of Tepic, alt. 700 m, 8 Jul 1957, R.McVaugh 15194 (MICH);
- 53 km SE Oaxaca, 21 Dec 1978, R.Conway & C.D.Johnson 288-78 (ILL);
- just W of La Soledad Tectitlán on road to San Juan Quiotepec, alt. 1990 m, 26 Apr 1986, R.E.Gereau & G.J.Martin 2002 (CM);
- 2.7 miles from center of San Mateo Cajonos on road to Villa Hidalgo Yalalag, alt. 1120 m, 12 May 1986, R.E.Gereau & A.J.Moyer 2167 (WIS);
- 39 miles W of Tehuantepec on hwy. 190, 8 Aug 1966, D.H.Janzen 605 (EIU);
- pasture at Temescal, 17 Apr 1966, D.H.Janzen 717 (ILL);
- pasture at Temescal, 17 Apr 1966, D.H.Janzen 718 (ILL);
- pasture at Temescal, 17 Apr 1966, D.H.Janzen 719 (ILL);
- 46.7 miles W of Tehuantepec on hwy. 190, 10 Jan 1965, D.H.Janzen 757 (EIU);
- 2 km al E de Coyula, 6 May 1980, F.G.Medrono, V.Jaramillo, J.L.Villaseñor, P.Ruiz & S.Singer F-1134 (MO);
- near large dam at Temescal, 20 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13547 (ILL);
- near large dam at Temescal, 20 May 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13548 (ILL);
- 35 miles SE of Oaxaca on hwy. 190, 3 Aug 1975, D.S.Seigler & G.Holstein 9736 (ILL);
- 1 mile E of Junhitán, 28 May 1980, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11560 (ILL);
- 1 km E of Zanatepec on hwy. 190, 31 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11581 (ILL);
- 2 km al S del entronque Tlaxiaco-Juxtlahuaca, carr. Putla, alt. 1510 m, 13 Apr 1987, R.Torres C., A.Garcia M. & L.Cortes 9619 (MO);
- a 25 km al SW de Putla, alt. 1500 m, 5 Apr 1982, R.Torres C. & P.Tenorio L. 235 (ILL);
- km 140 de la Carretera Oax. a Tehuantepec, 7 Dec 1980, R.C.Trigos & D.Lorence 448 (ILL);
- 1 km al N de Mecapalapa, 3 Dec 1979, P.Basurto & G.Durán 462 (MO);
- 1 km al S de Villa Avila Camacho, 26 Jan 1980, P.Basurto & G.Durán 504 (MO);
- Cera de Acatlán, 2 Feb 1978, R.Espino 16 (MO);
- Ciudad Mendoza on hwy. 150, 15 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12220 (ILL);
- near Izúcar de Matamoros on hwy. 160, 5 Jul 1986, D.S.Seigler & B.Maslin 12685 (ILL);
- 7 miles NW of Jalpán on road to Río Verde, 3 Jun 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13687 (ILL);
Quintana Roo:
- a 45 km al N de San Felipe Bacalan sobre la carretera Chetumal-Carrillo Puerto, 15 Dec 1983, E.Cabrera & H.deCabrera 6281 (MO);
- 32 miles N of jct. of route 307 and 186, N of Chetumal, 4 Jun 1980, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11597 (ILL);
San Luís Potosí:
- Naranjo River just below El Salto, 30 Apr 1960, J.Crutchfield & M.C.Johnston 5389 (MICH);
- Masate, Tamazunchale, 15 Jul 1937, M.T.Edwards 563 (MO);
- km al W de El Naranjo, alt. 400 m, 22 Mar 1956, J.Rzedowski 7356 (MICH);
- 14 miles W of Río Verde on route 70, 3 Jun 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13704 (ILL);
- brecha Santiago-Potrero, 5 km al SW de Santiago de los Caballero, alt. 1200 m, 11 Dec 1982, J.M.Aguillar, P.Tenorio & C.Romero 159 (MO);
- Agua Caliente de Cepada, 25 Nov 1977, R.Espino 7 (ILL);
- 1 mile SE Rosario, 4 Mar 1979, C.D.Johnson 548-79 (ILL);
- 35 km NE of Villa Unión on hwy. 40, 25 Jun 1981, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson 11810 (ILL);
- 44 km NE of Villa Unión on hwy. 40, 25 Jun 1981, D.S.Seigler & P.M.Richardson 11811 (ILL);
- Chirani, 5 miles N of Moctezuma, 1 Jul 1938, S.S.White 403 (MICH);
- 5 miles N of Moctezuma, 1 Jul 1938, S.S.White 406 (MICH);
- 6 miles S of Mazatán between Mazatán and Colorado, 7 Sep 1941, I.L.Wigghins & C.Rollins 378 (MICH, MO);
- N margin of town of Cárdenas on road to Presa Malpaso, 17 Jun 1966, D.H.Janzen 568 (EIU);
- 6 km N of Ocampo, S of Ejido El Tigre, alt. 330 m, 21 Apr 1953, P.S.Martin 116 (MICH);
- vicinity of Victoria, 1 May-13 Jun 1907, E.Palmer 414 (MO);
- Vallee de Córdoba, 24 Apr 1866, E.Bourgeau 2299 (G);
- entre El Chico y Chavarrillo, alt. 1100 m, 16 Jan 1976, M.Cházaro B. 451 (ILL);
- Tiradores, municipio de Emiliano Zapata, alt. 1000 m, 15 Apr 1973, J.Dorantes & M.Acosta 1974 (ILL);
- 10 miles W of Jalapa, 10 Nov 1963, D.H.Janzen 350 (MICH, EIU);
- 12 miles W of Conejos on road to Huatusco, 26 Apr 1964, D.H.Janzen 722 (ILL);
- 12 miles W of Conejos on road to Huatusco, 26 Apr 1964, D.H.Janzen 723 (EIU, ILL);
- 12 miles W of Conejos on road to Huatusco, 26 Apr 1964, D.H.Janzen 724 (ILL);
- orillas de Río Jamapa, cerca de Ixhuatlan del Cafe, alt. 900 m, 13 Apr 1970, A.Lot 887 (F);
- Jalcomulco, alt. 400 m, 29 Oct 1981, M.Nee & G.Castill C. 22451 (MO);
- Zacuapán, Nov 1921, C.A.Purpus 8678 (UC);
- frente a la unidad Infonavit Peñuela, alt. 700 m, 7 Oct 1984, F.Ramón & H.Oliva FRF-23 (WIS);
- Naolinco, 21 May 1977, L.Rico & G.Ortega L. 59 (MO);
- Apatlaco, 2 km al NE de Sta. Ana Atzacán, 4 Dec 1966, M.Rosas R. 107 (DS);
- 17 km E of Córdoba, 15 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12221 (ILL);
- 17 km E of Córdoba, 15 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12222 (ILL);
- 28 miles from Veracruz on hwy. 140, 15 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12225 (ILL);
- 23.4 miles W of El Tamarindo on hwy. 140, 16 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12231 (ILL);
- 23.4 miles W of El Tamarindo on hwy. 140, 16 Sep 1984, D.S.Seigler, S.Berlocher & D.Nickrent 12235 (ILL);
- NW corner of Jalapa on hwy. 136, 17 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12474 (ILL);
- NW corner of Jalapa on hwy. 136, 17 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12475 (ILL);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12483 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12494 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12495 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12499 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12501 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Miradores on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12506 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Actopán on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12537 (EIU);
- 1 km E of Actopán on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12540 (EIU);
- 42 km SE of Tamarindo on hwy. 140, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12565 (EIU);
- 37 km E of Yanga on hwy. 150, 18 Nov 1985, D.S.Seigler & J.E.Ebinger 12599 (EIU);
- 16 miles N of Tierra Blanca on route 140, 21 Dec 1991, D.Seigler, J.Ebinger, H.Clarke & K.Readel 13553 (EIU, ILL);
- pres la Vera Cruz, 1857, M.Sumichrast 1770 (G);
- Emiliano Zapata, alt. 1250 m, 17 Apr 1970, F.Ventura A. 912 (MICH, MO);
- 15 km N of Chunchucmil, 7 Jan 1983, S.P.Darwin 2448 (MO);
- 4 miles N of El Limón, alt. 1300 m, 6 Jan 1979, T.B.Croat 45094 (MO);
- 19 km W de Jalpa, alt. 1800 m, 23 May 1980, M.González G. 377 (MO);
- road to Huejuquilla el Alto, alt. 2000-2100 m, 4-5 Sep 1958, R.McVaugh 17709 (MICH);
- 17 Miles NE of Jalisco-Zacatecas border on hwy. 54, 22 May 1980, D.S.Seigler, P.M.Richardson & S.Thompson 11528 (ILL);
El Bosque:
- 15 km W of Pueblo Nuevo, alt. 700 m, 24 Jun 1976, D.A.Neill 7346 (MO);
- Zoologica de Juigalpa, alt. 100 m, 29 Oct 1983, A.Grijalva & M.Aranda 3180 (MO);
- Cerro La Bateca at Hacienda Veracruz, alt. 200-375 m, 21 Sep 1983, M.Nee 28232 (MO);
- a 7-8 km de la carretera Estelí-Espino, alt. 1130 m, 8 Aug 1984, H.M.Hernández, A.Chacón, P.P.Moreno, D.Soza & I.Granzom 653 (MO);
- mpio. San Juan de Limay, alt. 518 m, 2 Sep 1980, P.P.Moreno 2161 (MO);
- local on slopes, 16 Feb 1903, C.F.Baker 107 (MICH);
- reparto San Juan, km 43.5 carretera Masaya-Granada, alt. 100 m, 19 Feb 1982, J.C.Sandino 2238 (CM, MO);
- camino viejo a Jinotega, con liguo al Río Waswali, alt. 640 m, 25 Oct 1983, S.Vega & W.Robleto 64 (MO);
- Falda W del cerro Volcán de Somoto, alt. 800-900 m, 14 Apr 1980, M.Araquistain & P.P.Moreno 2003 (MO);
- Falda W del cerro Volcán de Somoto, alt. 900-1000 m, 15 Apr 1980, M.Araquistain & P.P.Moreno 2044 (MO);
- 2.5 miles SW of Somoto, 11 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 739 (EIU);
- 2.5 miles SW of Somoto, 11 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 740 (EIU);
- 2.5 miles SW of Somoto, 11 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 741 (EIU);
- El Socorro, alt. 570-590 m, 14 Feb 1981, P.P.Moreno 6780 (MO);
- W slope of Cerro Volcán de Somota, 13 Dec 1979, W.D.Stevens & A.Grijalva 16391 (MO);
- entre el km 47 y 48 a carretera Tipitapa-Masaya, 3 Feb 1983, D.Castro 2639 (MO);
- Masaya lava flow, near Masaya, alt. 300-400 m, 19 Mar 1977, T.B.Croat 39074 (MO);
- Parque National Volcán Masaya, alt. 250 m, 29 Nov 1977, D.Neill 3035 (MO);
- hillside above Santa Maria de Ostumo, alt. 1500 m, 22 Dec 1975, W.G.D'Arcy 10499 (MO);
- Hacienda Santa Maria de Ostuma, alt. 1300-1600 m, 19 Oct 1976, S.Tomlin 27 (MO);
- Cerro Apante, alt. 1000-1400 m, 4 May 1980, P.P.Moreno 134 (MO);
Nueva Segovia:
- Cerro El Achiote, 7 km al N de El Jicaro, alt. 700-1000 m, 18 Apr 1980, M.Araquistain & P.P.Moreno 2306 (MO);
- near Santa Clara, alt. 700 m, 9 Apr 1977, D.Neill 1702 (MO);
- 1 mile NW of Peña Blancas, 9 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 777 (ILL);
- 1 mile NW of Peña Blancas, 9 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 778 (EIU, ILL);
- Boca de Piedra, 3 Nov 1982, A.Laguna 124 (MO);
- Carretera Matagalpa-Waslala, alt. 540-580 m, 4 Mar 1982, J.C.Sandino 2424 )MO);