Senegalia martiusiana (Steud.) Seigler & Ebinger, comb. nov.
Synonymy and types
Basionym: Mimosa martiusiana Steud., Nomencl. bot. 2: 148. 1840; Mimosa adhaerens Martius, "Herb. fl. bras." Flora. 20(2): Beiblätter. 122. 1837. nom. illeg., non Kunth (Humboldt, Bonpland and Kunth 1823); Acacia adhaerens Benth., London J. Bot. 1: 517. 1842; Acacia martiusiana (Steud.) Burkart, Fl. Ilustr. Catarinense (Leguminosas Mimosoideas) 30: 30. 1979. - TYPE: BRAZIL. GUANABARA: in monte Serra d'Estrela prov. Sebastianopolitanae, locis apricis, in sepibus, C. F. P. von Martius 174 [holotype: M (MO photo); isotypes: F, K, MO]. NOTE: Mimosa adhaerens Kunth (Humbolt, Bonpland, and Kunth 1823) is now considered to be a synonym of Mimosa albida Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
Acacia micradenia Benth., London J. Bot. 1: 518-519. 1842. - TYPE: BRAZIL. Pohl (holotype: not seen). NOTE: Although we have not seen type material, Bentham (1875, 1876a) considered this species to be conspecific with Acacia adhaerens.
Acacia subpaniculata Hoehne, Revista Mus. Paul. Univ. São Paulo 10: 653. (pl. 1). 1918. - TYPE: BRAZIL. SÃO PAULO: Botucatú, Nov 1896, G. Edwall 13129 (holotype: SP; isotype NY).
Acacia spegazziniana Kuhlmann, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 355. 1925. - TYPE: BRAZIL. RIO DE JANEIRO: ad urbem in silvis Mundo Novo, Botafogo, 11 Jul 1922, J. G. Kuhlmann 13386 [holotype: RB (G photo); isotypes G, K, LP, NY, P, US]. NOTE: In the original description the type is erroneously listed as J. G. Kuhlmann 133.386 (Burkart 1979).