Vachellia globulifera (Safford) Seigler & Ebinger, Phytologia 87: 158. 2005.
syn. Acacia globulifera Safford, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 360. 1914.
Synonymy and types
Basionym: Acacia globulifera Saff., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 360. 1914. Myrmecodendron globulifera (Saff.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 93. 1928 - TYPE: MEXICO. YUCATÁN: at the port of Silam (Tzilam), N coast of Yucatán, Apr 1895, G. F. Gaumer 1909 (holotype: F, US fragment and photo; isotypes: GH, MO, NY, US).
Acacia donnelliana Saff., J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 4: 361. 1914. Myrmecodendron donnelliana (Saff.) Britton & Rose, N. Amer. Fl. 23: 93. 1928 - TYPE: HONDURAS. SANTA BÁRBARA: San Pedro de Sula, Cortés, alt. 600 ft., Mar 1888, C. Thieme 5216 (holotype: US).
Formal description
Shrub or small tree usually less than 3 (rarely 10) m tall. Bark brown or gray and lightly furrowed. Twigs brown to reddish brown, usually not flexuous, glabrous to lightly puberulent. Short shoots absent. Leaves alternate, 60-250 mm long. Stipular spines usually dark brown to black, rarely yellow to ivory, symmetrical, terete, straight to reflexed near the apex, stout and inflated, 25-60 x 4-7 mm near the base, glabrous to lightly puberulent. Petiole adaxially grooved, 8-18 mm long, glabrous to lightly puberulent; petiolar glands 2-5(6), scattered along the petiole, sessile, commonly laterally compressed volcano-shaped, base 1-2 mm across, apex nearly circular, 0.3-0.8 mm across, densely puberulent and lightly striate. Rachis adaxially grooved, 40-230 mm long, glabrous to lightly puberulent, a sessile, volcano-shaped gland usually present between each pinna pair. Pinnae 6 to 26 pairs per leaf, 30-65 mm long, 6-11 mm between pinna pairs. Petiolules 0.7-1.5 mm long. Leaflets 20 to 50 pairs per pinna, opposite, 0.8-2.1 mm between leaflets, linear, 3.5-6.8 x 0.6-1.4(1.7) mm, glabrous, lateral veins not obvious, only one vein from the base, base oblique, margins usually not ciliate, apex mostly acute; beltian bodies 0.4-0.8 mm long. Inflorescence a densely flowered globose head, 4-7 mm across, in clusters of 4 to 8 in the axil of slightly reduced leaves, or in small clusters in the axil of small spines on lateral, usually leafless branches. Peduncles 6-25 x 0.5-1.0 mm, glabrous to lightly puberulent. Involucre 4- lobed, located near the lower 1/4 of the peduncle, glabrous to lightly puberulent, persistent. Floral bracts peltate, 0.7-1.1 mm long, apex circular and usually puberulent, deciduous. Flowers sessile, yellow; calyx 5-lobed, 1.0-1.5 mm long, glabrous; corolla 5-lobed, 1.5-2.0 mm long, glabrous; stamen filaments 2.3-3.2 mm long, distinct; ovary glabrous, on a stalk to 0.1 mm long. Legume black to dark brown, slightly curved, elliptic to nearly terete in cross section, not constricted between the seeds, oblong, 50-90 x 9-12 mm, coriaceous, not striate, glabrous, eglandular, dehiscent along one sutures; stipe less than 5 mm long; apex narrowing to a spine-like beak usually less than 10 mm long. Seeds uniseriate, imbedded in a white pulpy material, dark reddish brown, ellipsoid to oblong, slightly flattened, 7.6-9.1 x 3.3-4.5 mm, smooth; pleurogram oval, 2.5-3.5 mm across. Flowers in January to April. Chromosome number: Not determined.
In riparian and swamp successional stages as well as open, dry habitats, from sea level to about 1,200 m, in southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. According to Janzen (1974) this taxon is usually restricted to successional habitats under full insolation, rarely persisting in shaded areas.
Additional info
Vachellia globulifera is easily distinguished from most ant-acacias by its spherical inflorescence, small leaflets that lack obvious secondary veins, and 2-5 narrow volcano-shaped petiolar glands. This species is most closely related to V. chiapensis and has been occasionally combined with it (Janzen 1974). These two species differ, however, in petiolar glands, inflorescence clusters, and fruit characteristics (see discussion under V. chiapensis). Beltian body production in V. globulifera is typical of that found in most ant-acacias that inhabit more open sites. These bodies usually are present on more than half of the leaflets of a developing leaf.
Vachellia globulifera is similar to V. chiapensis in that many individuals of both species are cyanogenic; the cyanogenic glycoside of V. globulifera is (R)-epiproacacipetalin, whereas that of V. chiapensis is (S)-proacacipetalin (Seigler et al. 1983). Of the specimens of V. globulifera tested, most gave a positive test for HCN. Of these specimens, however, nearly one-third required the addition of emulsin to give a positive test. This suggests that many individuals of this species either lack the enzyme capable of hydrolyzing the cyanoglycoside, or that the enzyme is inactivated by drying and storage (Seigler and Ebinger 1987).
Janzen (1974) suggested that Vachellia globulifera may occasionally hybridize with non-ant-acacias of the V. macracanth complex. During the present study no specimens were found that would indicate hybridization involving this species.
Flowering time
Representative specimens
El Cayo:
- Ixa Chel Farm, 10 miles SW of San Ignacio on Macaul River, alt. 600 ft., 9 Feb 1987, R.Arvigo 10 (F);
- El Cayo, 5-11 Mar 1931, H.H.Bartlett 11992 (NY, US);
- en Chaa Creek, 5 km al S del camino San Ignacio, 7 Mar 1985, E.Cabrera, P.Cowan & R.Duran 7705 (MO);
- Vaca, 2 Mar 1938, P.H.Gentle 2275 (A, F, MICH, MO, NY).
- Laguna (Lake Amatitlan), alt. 1200 m, Kellerman 5042 (UC);
- Agua Caliente, 28 Mar 1922, J.M.Greenman & M.T.Greenman 5947 (MO);
- 20.5 miles NE Guatemala City on hwy. 9, 8 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1565 (F, GH, MEX, MICH, MO, US);
El Petén:
- in Mananche, 5 Feb 1966, E.Contreras 5480 (F, MICH, US);
- San Miguel, bordering Lake Petén Itzá, 3 Feb 1968, E.Contreras 7519 (MO);
- Lake Yaxha, 23 Mar 1933, C.L.Lundell 2208 (F);
- Fallabon-Yaxha road, 22 Mar 1933, C.L.Lundell 2214 (F);
- Chicbul, La Libertad, 29 Apr 1935, C.L.Lundell 3088 (US);
- Tikal, on top of temple V, 7 Feb 1959, C.L.Lundell 15388 (F);
- Lake Petén Itzá, on cliff along shore E of San José, 22 Jan 1962, C.L.Lundell 17230 (M0);
- 23.4 miles SW of turn-off to Cobán on hwy. 9, 5 Aug 1966, D.H.Janzen 444 (F, MO, NY, UC, US);
- 16.2 miles NE of Guatamala City on CA-9, alt. 870 m, 14 May 1965, D.H.Janzen 1741 (F, US);
- along Río Teculutan, above Teculutan, alt. 250-275 m, 7 Jan 1942, J.A.Steyermark 42146 (F, NY).
- La Conce, alt. 150 m, 18 Feb 1981, C.Nelson, A.Díaz, R.Rodríguez, R.Andino, H.Martínez & E.Romero 7623 (UNAH);
- Calán, alt. 48 m, 7 Feb 1965, J.D.Dickson 1384 (US);
- 24.6 miles SW of San Pedro Sula on hwy. 18, 3 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1604 (F, MO, US);
- 26 miles SW of San Pedro Sula on hwy. 18, 3 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1608 (F);
- 28.4 miles SW of Sula on hwy. 18, road from San Pedro Sula to Santa Rosa, 3 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1630 (F, MO, UC);
- 19.4 miles SW of San Pedro Sula on hwy. 18, 2 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1682 (F, MEX, MO, US);
- 19.9 miles SW of San Pedro Sula on hwy. 18, 2 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1688 (F, MO, UC, US).Lempira:
- 5 kms from Lepaera, alt. 800 m, 8 Mar 1969, A.Molina R. 2414 (F, NY);
- Las Rosas, alt. 50 m, 13 Mar 1965, J.D.Dickson 1424 (US);
- cut over river valley lands, Yoro, alt. 2800 ft., 26 Jan 1934, J.B.Edwards P-748 (A, F, US);
- Orilla del Rio Jacagua, 15 km W de Victoria, alt. 300 m, 21-23 Jan 1981, C.Nelson, R.Rodriguez, A.Díaz, H.Martínez, R.Andino & E.Romero 7237 (UNAH);
- 10.4 miles SW of Santa Rosa on hwy. 18, 3 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1634 (F, MICH, MO, UC, US).
- en las inmediaciones de la Zona Argueológica de Chicana, 15 Feb 1988, E.Cabrera & Cabrera 15521 (MO);
- a 65 km al sur de Conhuas, en el Centro Regional de Calakmul, 16 Mar 1983, E.Cabrera, T.P.Ramamoorthy, J.L.Godínez & Cabrera 4427 (MO);
- 48 miles NE of Puerto Real (Isla Aguada) on hwy. 180, 22 Jun 1966, D.H.Janzen 611 (F, MICH, US);
- 48 miles NE of Puerto Real (Isla Aguada) on hwy. 180, 22 Jun 1966, D.H.Janzen 615 (F, US);
- 48 miles NE of Puerto Real (Isla Aguada) on hwy. 180, 22 Jun 1966, D.H.Janzen 617 (F, US);
- 48 miles NE of Puerto Real (Isla Aguada) on hwy. 180, 22 Jun 1966, D.H.Janzen 623 (F, MO, UC, US);
- Mpio. Hopelchén, road from Hopelchén to Xpujil, 12 Mar 1990, A.C.Sanders 9674 (MO);
- 10 km S of Xpujil, 17 Jan 1973, J.D.Sheperd 5 (F).
- 11.3 miles N of intersection of Mexico hwy. 185 and 190, on hwy. 185, 18 Aug 1967, D.H.Janzen 1502 (F, GH, MEX, MICH, MO, NY, UC, US, WIS);
- Chivela, 6 Mar 1998, C.D.Mell s.n. (NY, US);
Quintana Roo:
- en San José de la Montaña, km 8 de la carreterra a Tómas Garrido, 12 Mar 1983, E.Cabrera, J.L.Godínez & Cabrera 4504 (MEX, MO);
- sobre el camino a Yalcón, 8 km al SW de Valladolid, 16 Apr 1986, E.Cabrera & Cabrera 11222 (MO);
- 10 km al W de Kantunilkin, 29 Apr 1987, E.Cabrera & Cabrera 13140 (MO);
- a 19 km al W de Kantunilkin, sobre el camino a Colonia Yucatán, 21 Mar 1988, E.Cabrera & Cabrera 15584 (MO, US);
- Silam, Apr 1895, G.F.Gaumer 655 (F, GH, MO, US).