Ducrou Pavilion

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Ducrou Pavilion in the distance across the Eucalypt Lawn
About the venue
The Ducrou Pavilion is located on the Eucalypt Lawn and has a relaxed, informal atmosphere. It was designed with a tree-like form and blends beautifully with its surrounds.
- Capacity of 50 people
- Located 500 meters from car park
- Limited vehicle access may be arranged for setup and pack-up of events
- Sheltered site
- Powered site
- 2 picnic tables
- Sink
- Public toilets located nearby
- Catering is available from Floresco in the Gardens cafe
- Self catering is permitted, all rubbish must be removed from the site and the area left clean and tidy

More about the Ducrou Pavilion.
9 May, 2012
by webmaster (anbg-info@anbg.gov.au)