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New in the ANBG Library

book cover

December 2010

last month: November

The Gardens’ Library is located on the first floor of the Botany Building at the ANBG, Clunies Ross Street, Black Mountain.
Opening hours are 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Members of the public may use the library by appointment.

The bulletin contains a list of new material recently received in the library. These items together with recent issues of journals and magazines are on display in the ANBG Library for approximately three to four weeks. All registered library clients are welcome to use the library and photocopy display items or reserve items for loan.

Staff may request items from the bulletin by phone, fax or email.
Phone: (02) 6250 9480
Fax: (02) 6250 9432



Guide to the proposed basin plan: overview
Murray-Darling Basin Authority
Canberra : Murray-Darling Basin Authority, 2010
354.360994 GUI

Ancient Australian landscapes
C.R. Twidale
Dural, N.S.W. : Rosenberg, 2007
551.410994 TWI

The natural history of Sydney
edited by Daniel Lunney, Pat Hutchings and Dieter Hochuli
Mosman, N.S.W. : Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, 2010
578.099441 NAT

The Timber Press dictionary of plant names
Walter Erhardt ... [et al.]
Portland, Or. ; London : Timber Press, 2009
REF 580.14 TIM

What south east native plant is that? : Identifying and growing native vegetation in the south east of South Australia
Neville Bonney
Mt. Gambier, S. Aust. : South East Natural Resources Management Board, c2010
581.994234 BON

Tasmanian plant names unravelled
Mark Wapstra, Annie Wapstra, Hans Wapstra
Launceston : Fullers Bookshop, 2010
581.9946014 WAP

Bryophyte biology, phylogeography, systematics and evolution in the Southern Hemisphere
editors: J.C. Villarreal. W. Frey and DC Cargill.
Stuttgart : J Cramer, 2010 (Nova Hedwigia, vol. 91, no. 3-4)
588 BRY

Amazing facts about Australian birds
Pat Slater
Archerfield BC, Qld. : Steve Parish Publishing, 2008
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
598.0994 SLA

Into oblivion ? The disappearing native mammals of northern Australia
James Fitzsimons ... [et al.]
Carlton, Vic. : Nature Conservancy, 2010
P 599.99429 INT

Biosecurity manual for the nursery production industry : reducing the risk of pests entering and becoming established in your production nursery
Plant Health Australia, Nursery & Garden Industry Australia
Deakin, A.C.T. : Plant Health Australia, 2010
Also available via the Internet at:
P 635.0490994 BIO

Defining the unique flavours of Australian native foods
Heather Smyth
Barton, ACT : Rural Industries Research& Development Corporation, 2010
Also available via the Internet at:
641.303 SMY

The garden of ideas : four centuries of Australian style
Richard Aitken
Carlton, Vic. : Miegunyah Press, 2010
712.0994 AIT

Energy-wise landscape design : a new approach for your home and garden
Sue Reed
Gabriola, B.C. : New Society Publishers, 2010
712.2 REE

Walking in Australia
Sandra Bardwell ... [et al.]
Hawthorn, Vic. : Lonely Planet, 2001
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.4 WAL

The Australian Geographic book of the Canning Stock Route
edited by Jenny Stanton
Terrey Hills, N.S.W. : Australian Geographic, 1992
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.41 AUS

Discovering the Top End of the Northern Territory
Derek Roff
Alice Springs, N.T. : Barker Souvenirs, 1993
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.429 ROF

120 walks in New South Wales
Tyrone T. Thomas
Melbourne : Hill of Content, 2002
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.44 THO

70 walks in southern N.S.W. & A.C.T .
Tyrone T. Thomas
Melbourne : Michelle Anderson Publishing, 2004
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.447 THO

120 walks in Victoria
Tyrone T. Thomas
Melbourne : Hill of Content, 2001
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.45 THO

70 walks in Victoria's Bright and Falls Creek districts
Tyrone T. Thomas
Melbourne : Hill of Content, 1996
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
919.455 THO


Native flowers of the Southern Highlands
Yvonne Wildash
Sydney : Cornstalk Publishing,1992
Comprises six loose-leaf illustrations in a folder.
Rare P 582.13099446 WIL


Four seasons of the bush capital
Ian Fraser
Ultimo, N.S.W. : ABC Audio, 2004
A set of 4 discs describing natural history of the Canberra region.
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.

CD 508.9471 FRA

Field guide to the birds of the ACT : the calls and songs
Peter Fullagar and Ederic Slater
Canberra : Canberra Ornithologists Group, 2006
ANBG copy donated by the family of Meg Richardson.
CD 598.09947 FUL


Geology of the Kosciusko [i.e. Kosciuszko] National Park
Canberra : Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, 1990
Map Box 559.44 KOS


Crilley, G et al 2010, ‘Identifying visitor service quality in Australian regional botanic gardens, Annals of Leisure Research, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 476-496.

Williams, A 2010, ‘Current nursery practice with regard to mycorrhizae and the propagation of New Zealand’s native plants’, Ecological Management & Restoration, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 220-223.

Cooke, B, Jones, R & Gong, W 2010, ‘An economic decision model of wild rabbit Oryctolaguscuniculus control to conserve Australian native vegetation’, Wildlife Research, vol. 37, pp. 558-565.

Croft, P, Reid, N & Hunter, JT 2010, ‘Experimental burning changes the quality of fallen timber as habitat for vertebrate and invertebrate fauna: implications for fire management’, Wildlife Research, vol. 37, pp. 574-581.

Wood, J 2010, ‘Initial observations of seed and fruit development in Thismia rodwayi (Fairy lanterns), The Tasmanian Naturalist, vol. 132, pp. 78-80.


Australian tropical rainforest plants: trees, shrubs, vines, herbs, grasses, sedges, palms, pandans & epiphytes, Edition 6
An interactive identification and information online system for 2553 species of plants of northern Australian rainforests .


Burrendong Botanic Garden & Arboretum 2008/9 and 2009/10


Living Collection review final report
prepared by Craig Cosgrove & Paul Carmen
2 December 2010
Archive 2010/07

Carmen, Paul 2010,‘The Checklist of Australian native plant cultivars’, Eucryphia, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 17-18, 21-22.

Villarreal, JC, Cargill, DC & Goffinet, B 2010, ‘Phaeomegaceros squamuliger subspecies hasselii (Dendrocerotaceae, Anthocerotophyta), a new taxon from the Southern Hemisphere’, Nova Hedwigia, vol. 91, no. 3-4, pp. 349-360.

Golson, Toby 2010, ‘Valuable partnership’, The Botanic Garden: a Newsletter for the Botanic Gardens of Australia and New Zealand, issue 28, p. 17. Available at

Growing Friends record of meeting Sat 4 December 2010
ANBG Volunteer Guides’ meeting Minutes of 16 November 2010


# Indicates a new listing

2011 ABRS Churchill Fellowships
A call to apply.
For the study of overseas taxonomic research on Australian flora or fauna
Applications close 28 February 2011

13 th Conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaeontology and Systematics (CAVEPS)
27-30 April 2011
Perth Cultural Centre, WA

# American Public Gardens Association Conference “The Revolutionary Conference”
21-25 June 2011
Philadephia, USA

XVIII International Botanical Congress
24-30 July 2011
Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre

# Australian Landscape Conference 2011
Melbourne Landscape Design Today: Global diversity and Parallels

9-13 September 2011
Melbourne Convention Centre

23 rd Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference
25-30 September 2011
The Sebel, Cairns, FNQ

# 5 th Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand Inc (BGANZ) Congress 2011
21-23 October 2011
Albury, NSW

# BGCI 8 th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens
Education and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

22-28 October 2010




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