Flora Malesiana
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Flora Malesiana

Editorial Committee

Flora Malesiana is a systematic account of the flora of Malesia, the plant-geographical unit spanning six countries in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea.

The family treatments are not published in a systematic order but as they come available by the scientific efforts of some 100 collaborators all over the world.
Each family treatment contains keys for identification, descriptions of the recognized taxa from family to variety, and a large amount of information (with literature references) on, e.g., taxonomy, variability, synonymy, typification, distribution, habitats and ecology, morphology and anatomy, phytochemistry, and uses.

Attention is given in the first place to the indigenous species but non-native, cultivated or escaped species are also treated (described and keyed out) or at least mentioned. Drawings and photographs illustrate the treatments, and as a general rule at least one species of each native genus has a full-page drawing.

There are two series: I, Spermatophyta (Seed Plants), and II, Pteridophyta (Ferns and Fern allies). From 1991 onward the Flora is published for the Foundation Flora Malesiana by the Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus, Leiden. Back issues published earlier by Wolters/Noordhoff and Kluwer Publishers are now also exclusively available from the Rijksherbarium.

All orders for back-volumes/issues and standing orders should be directed to the Publications Department of the Rijksherbarium / Hortus Botanicus.




Volume 1
is out of stock
Volumes 2 & 3
were not published.
Volumes 4 & 5
are out of stock.
Volume 6 part 1 (1960).
Paperback, pp. 1-154.
Revisions: Campanulaceae, Cappar(id)aceae, Juglandaceae, Staphyleaceae, Thymelaeaceae. NLG 40.00
Volume 6 part 2 (1962).
Paperback, pp. 155-388.
Revisions: Celastraceae-I, Loganiaceae, Najadaceae, Primulaceae, Simaroubaceae. NLG 50.00
Volume 6 part 3 (1964).
Paperback, pp. 389-468.
Revisions: Celastraceae-II, Epacridaceae, Geraniaceae, Hippocrateaceae, Nyctaginaceae. NLG 20.00
Volume 6 part 4 (1966).
Paperback, pp. 469-668.
Revision: Ericaceae, first part. NLG 70.00
Volume 6 part 5 (1967).
Paperback, pp. 669-914.
Revision: Ericaceae, second part. NLG 75.00
Volume 6 part 6 (1972).
Paperback, pp. (1)-(20), 915-1023.
Biography of E.D. Merrill.
Addenda to vols. 4 to 6. Index to vol. 6. NLG 25.00
Volume 7 - Complete volume (1976).
Hardbound, 894 pp. NLG 200.00
Volume 7 part 1 (1971).
Paperback, pp. 1-263.
Revisions: Byblidaceae, Cardiopteridaceae, Clethraceae, Haloragaceae, Icacinaceae, Lemnaceae, Lophopyxidaceae, Ochnaceae, Oxalidaceae, Portulacaceae, Violaceae. NLG 75.00
Volume 7 part 2 (1972).
Paperback, pp. 265-434.
Revisions: Fagaceae, Passifloraceae. NLG 50.00
Volume 7 part 3 (1974).
Paperback, pp. 435-753.
Revision: Cyperaceae. NLG 80.00
Volume 7 part 4 (1976).
Paperback, pp. (1)-(18), 755-876.
Revisions: Balanophoraceae, Leeaceae, Taccaceae.
Biography of H.J. Lam.
Addenda to vols. 4 to 7. Index to vol. 7. NLG 30.00
Volume 8 - Complete volume (1978).
Hardbound, 718 pp. NLG 200.00
Volume 8 part 1 (1974).
Paperback, pp. I-CXV + 1-30.
Revision: Hypericaceae.
Cyclopaedia of Collectors Suppl. II. NLG 30.00
Volume 8 part 2 (1977).
Paperback, pp. 31-300.
Revisions: Bignoniaceae, Cornaceae, Crypteroniaceae, Iridaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Onagraceae, Symplocaceae, Ulmaceae. NLG 75.00
Volume 8 part 3 (1978).
Paperback, pp. (6)-(16) + 301-577.
Revisions: Anacardiaceae, Labiatae.
Biography of F.A.W. Miquel.
Addenda to vols. 4 to 8. Index to vol. 8. NLG 75.00
Volume 9 part 1 (1979).
Paperback, pp. 1-235.
Revisions: Araliaceae-I, Liliaceae s.s. NLG 75.00
Volume 9 part 2 (1982).
Paperback, pp. 237-552.
Revision: Dipterocarpaceae. Out of stock
Volume 9 part 3 (1982).
Paperback, pp. (1)-(47), 553-600.
Biography of O. Beccari.
Addenda to vols. 4 to 9. Index to vol. 9. Out of stock
Volume 10 - Complete volume (1989).
Hardbound, 792 pp. NLG 200.00
Volume 10 part 1 (1984).
Paperback, pp. 1-121.
Revisions: Aristolochiaceae, Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Triuridaceae. NLG 50.00
Volume 10 part 2 (1986).
Paperback, pp. 123-336.
Revisions: Alseuosmiaceae, Chloranthaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Menispermaceae, Monimiaceae, Sphenostemonaceae, Trimeniaceae. NLG 75.00
Volume 10 part 3 (1988).
Paperback, pp. 337-634.
Revisions: Araucariaceae, Coniferales, Cruciferae, Ctenolophonaceae, Cupressaceae, Ixonanthaceae, Linaceae, Magnoliaceae, Pinaceae, Podocarpaceae, Polygalaceae, Sabiaceae, Taxaceae. NLG 75.00
Volume 10 part 4 (1989).
Paperback, pp. (1)-(43), 635-748.
Revisions: Chrysobalanaceae, Sabiaceae.
Biography of C.L. Blume.
Addenda to vols. 4 to 10. Index to vol. 10. NLG 50.00
Volume 11 part 1 (1992).
Paperback, pp. 1-226.
Revision: Mimosaceae (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae)
Index to part 1. NLG 75.00
Volume 11 part 2 (1993).
Paperback, pp. 227-418.
Revisions: Alliaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Coriariaceae, Pentastemonaceae, Rosaceae, Stemonaceae.
Index to part 2. NLG 75.00
Volume 11 part 3 (1994).
Paperback, pp. 419-768.
Revision: Sapindaceae.
Index to part 3. NLG 100.00
Volume 12 part 1 (1995).
Paperback, pp. 1-407.
Revision: Meliaceae.
Index to part 1 NLG 100.00
Volume 12 part 2 (1996).
Paperback, 409-784.
Revisions: Caesalpiniaceae, Geitonoplesiaceae, Hernandiaceae, Lowiaceae
Index to part 2 NLG 100.00
Volume 13 (1997).
Paperback, 450 pp.
Revisions: Boraginaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Illiciaceae, Loranthaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Schisandraceae, Viscaceae.
Index. In press.
Volume 14 (to be published 1998)
Revision: Myristicaceae.
Index. In preparation.


Volume 1 part 1 (1959).
Paperback, pp. I-XXIII + 1-64.
Introduction & Keys to Pteropsida.
Revisions: Gleicheniaceae, Isoetaceae, Schizaeaceae. NLG 25.00
Volume 1 part 2 (1963).
Paperback, pp. 65-176.
Revision: Cyatheaceae. NLG 30.00
Volume 1 part 3 (1971).
Paperback, pp. 177-254.
Revision: Lindsaea group. NLG 25.00
Volume 1 part 4 (1978).
Paperback, pp. 255-330.
Revision: Lomariopsis group. NLG 20.00
Volume 1 part 5 (1981).
Paperback, pp. (1)-(20), 331-599.
Revision: Thelypteridaceae.
Biography of C.F.A. Christensen.
Addenda and index to vol. 1. NLG 75.00
Volume 2 part 1 (1991).
Paperback, pp. 1-132.
Revision: Tectaria group. NLG 50.00
Volume 3 (to be published 1998).
Revisions: Azollaceae, Cheiropleuriaceae, Davalliaceae, Equisetaceae, Matoniaceae, Plagiogyriaceae, Polypodiaceae.
Index. In preparation.