Flora Malesiana
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Announcement of Flora Malesiana list

From owner-taxacom@CMSA.BERKELEY.EDU  Sun Jul 26 09:29:05 1998
Date:         Sun, 26 Jul 1998 07:28:16 +0800
Sender: Biological Systematics Discussion List 
From: Pakdin UKM 
Subject:      Flora Malesiana Network listserver's discussion group
To: Multiple recipients of list TAXACOM 

I am glad to announce the establishment of The Flora Malesiana Network
listserver's discussion group which was setup as a respond to numerous
requests made by participants in the Fourth Flora Malesiana Symposium in
Kuala Lumpur (20-24 July 1998). It was felt that members of this fraternity
are badly in need of an efficient means of information exchange. Other
botanical initiatives have long been exploiting information technology in
sharing their knowledge
and recent data, plan future expeditions as well as to report progress of
their revisions, among others. The establishment of this electronic
discussion group hopefully will also enhance greatly communications between
botanists in overseas herbaria and local institutions.

The Flora Malesiana Network Discussion Group is currently hosted by the
Malaysia Biodiversity Online server in the Herbarium Mohd Kassim Rejab
(UKMB), Department of Botany, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(http://biodiversity.ukm.my). The list was created, tested, and
commissioned on the 23 July 1998, and now open for free subscription to
botanists interested on the flora of Malesia.

To join the group, as usual, you need to send an email from your system to:
and include in the body of message (not in the subject line)
subscribe floramalesiana YourFullName
(i.e. subscribe floramalesiana David Doe Leiden)

If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to email us:
pakdin@ukm.my, pakdin@tm.net.my or latiff@ukm.my

K Mat-Salleh & A Latiff
Herbarium Mohd Kassim Rejab (UKMB),
Department of Botany,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 Bangi