Robert Godfree
Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Ph.D., Portland State University, USA, 2000

Phone (+61) 02 6246 4956
Fax: (+61) 02 6246 5000
Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research
CSIRO Plant Industry
GPO Box 1600
Canberra ACT 2601
My research interests are associated with a range of aspects of
plant population dynamics and plant-environment interactions, with
a focus on invasions and risk assessment of genetically modified
plants. Recently I have investigated the potential ecological risk
posed by genetically modified pastoral legumes to a range of native
grassland communities in southeast Australia using a combination
of field experiments and glasshouse growth and competition trials.
I have also conducted research into plant/community – pathogen interactions
both in forest and subalpine grassland ecosystems, and am interested
in the implications of these interactions for the risk assessment
of pathogen-resistant genetically modified plants. I also take an
active interest in understanding the relationships between community
invasibility and the characteristics of invasive exotic species
and in determining how to apply this information to practical problems
involving invasion ecology and risk assessment of transgenic plants.
Godfree, R. C., Tinnin, R. O and Forbes, R. B. in
press. Relationships between Arceuthobium americanum
and the structure of Pinus contorta var. murrayana
stands in central Oregon. Plant Ecology.
Godfree, R. C., Tinnin, R. O and Forbes, R. B. in
press. The effects of dwarf mistletoe, witches'
brooms, stand structure and site characteristics on the crown
architecture of lodgepole pine in Oregon. Canadian Journal of
Forest Research.
Ecological Risk Assessment of GMOs