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Aboriginal relates to Australian Aborigines.
Alpine refers to the environments above the treeline. There is no area of permanent ice and snow in the ACT region (or Australia).
Annual plant living only one year or season.
Bioregion a region whose limits are naturally defined by topographic and biological features (as mountains and ecosystems).
Corm short, swollen, upright underground stem in which food is stored.
Cultural significance relates to the importance of plants to Aboriginal people.
Ecosystem community of organisms, interacting with one another, plus the environment in which they live and with which they also interact, such as a forest or grassy woodland.
Ecotourism relates to touring for pleasure with an emphasis on the natural environment.
Endemic native to a particular area or environment.
Grassy woodland grassland with a scattering of trees, such as Yellow Box, Red Gum.
Gum 1. any tree or shrub belonging to the genus Eucalyptus
2. exudate from plant such as wattle, which may be edible.
Haft handle for an axe.
Herb plant without a woody stem.
Host plant which provides nutrition for another plant.
Indigenous peoples all people native to Australia; Aboriginal peoples.
Koori (Koorie) an Australian Aboriginal person; often refers to Aboriginal people from south-eastern Australia.
Leached to have had water percolated through to remove unwanted substances, such as poison in edible plant parts.
Manna edible exudate from insects on Eucalyptus leaves.
Montane refers to 'the ecological zone which is immediate between the snow country above and the open tablelands below.' (Flood, 1980:92)
Nectar sweet secretion of plant flowers.
Ngunnawal, Ngun(n)awal, Ngunawal Aboriginal group who identify with the ACT region.
Parasitic living or growing on another plant or other organism, such as fungus.
Pedicel stalk of a flower.
Perennial persisting for three or more years.
Pith spongy tissue in the stem.
Processing methods for rendering plant parts edible/palatable, such as pounding, roasting.
Raffinose crystalline slightly sweet sugar present in many plant products.
Rhizome underground stem, usually horizontal.
Savannah grassland region with scattered trees.
Scarified having had incisions made to the seed coat to hasten sprouting.
Sclerophyll relates to hard-leaved plants, such as Eucalyptus.
Sphagnum type of bog moss characteristic of permanently wet areas in alpine areas.
Spike simple inflorescence(flower) coming from the stem.
Spore simple reproductive body usually composed of a single, detached cell, such as on a fern.
Spore-case contains spores.
Staple food which forms a very large part of the diet at the time it is used.
Starch carbohydrate in plants important in diet.
Tannin astringent substance in plants, such as wattles.
Terrestrial relates to plants growing in the earth as opposed to in water.
Tuber swollen, underground stem, bearing 'eyes' from which new plants can grow.
Viscid sticky.
Woodland land covered with trees, such as Eucalyptus.
Burbidge, N. and Gray, M. (1976). Flora of the Australian Capital Territory. Canberra: ANU Press.
Costin, A. et al. (2000). Kosciuszko alpine flora. Collingwood, Vic.: CSIRO.
Macquarie Dictionary. [Online] At: http://www.macnet.mq.edu.au Accessed 16/10/03.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. [Online] At: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary Accessed 21/02/03.
Wrigley, J. W. and Fagg, M. (1998). Australian native plants: propagation, cultivation and use in landscaping. Sydney: Reed New Holland.
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