Flowering/fruiting season: Flowers spring and summer
Location: Tableland - sub-alpine Common (Flood, 1980:96)
Flowers were sucked for nectar (Flood, 1980:96)
3 species occur in ACT:
C. sieberi Swamp Bottlebrush - (top) 'Common on banks of creeks and rivers at lower elevations, especially in stony habitats, e.g. Molonglo Gorge…'
C. pallidus Lemon Bottlebrush, Australflora Candle Glow - (right) 'Dominant species in heath on exposed mountain slopes at high altitudes' (Burbidge & Gray, 1976:268)
Small shrub with silver grey foliage and creamy yellow flower spikes up to 10cm. (Wrigley & Fagg, 1998:282)
Language names:
Horticulture : Hardy and frost resistant (Wrigley & Fagg, 1998:275)