Centre for Plant Biodiversity
Research AreasPlant population genetics, population ecology and conservation biology.
Current Research Projects"Population genetics and demography of the grassland daisy Rutidosis leptorrhynchoides"
(Click to enlarge) This work examines how population genetic and demographic processes interact to affect the viability of populations of the endangered daisy R. leptorrhynchoides (the Button Wrinklewort) which occurs in remnant grassland habitats in south-eastern Australia. Initial allozyme studies show that small populations have low genetic diversity relative to large intact populations. Small populations also exhibit a shift in mating system towards reduced numbers of pollen donors contributing to progeny arrays as indicated by increased correlation of outcrossed paternity (Rp) Significant chromosomal variation has also been observed across the species range with northern populations being primarily diploid (2n=22) whilst southern populations have both diploid and tetraploid (4n=44) individuals. Demographic studies and population modelling of small and large populations are currently underway. "Population genetics of rare species" This research project is aimed at understanding the population genetics of naturally rare plant species. Comparative analyses of genetic structure and mating system of closely related rare and common species are being used to try and identify genetic correlates of different types of rarity. The species presently being studied are two leguminous shrubs, the common bitter pea - Daviesia mimosoides, and its rare relative D. suaveolens.
Some Recent Publications
Andrew Young
Australian National Herbarium
Email: andrew.young@csiro.au