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Centre for Plant Biodiversity
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Rogier Petrus Johannes de Kok D.Phil (Oxon.)
Date of birth: 13.8.1964. Botany Career to Date1998 - Post Doctoral Fellow at CSIRO and Australian National Herbarium, working on Pultenaea (Fabaceae).1997 - Doctoral degree at the University of Oxford. Thesis: The biology and systematics of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea (Labiatae). 1995 - Three month field work period in New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Fiji, studying the pollination biology and collecting samples of Oxera and Faradaya for morphological and molecular (DNA and flavonoid) analysis. 1994 - Three month field work period in New Caledonia, studying the pollination biology and collecting samples of Oxera for morphological and molecular (DNA and flavonoid) analysis. 1994 - Start of D.Phil project: The Biology and Systematics of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea (Labiatae), at the Department of Plant-Sciences in Oxford, under the supervision of Dr. D.J. Mabberley and Dr. A. Paton of Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. 1993 - Graduation as Doctorandus in Biology at the Rijkuniversiteit, specialising in plant systematics. 1992-1993 - Six month fieldwork in Wanariset, East Kalimantan Indonesia as part of a project, studying the variability of bark and slash characters of some Dipterocarpaceae and Bombacaceae. 1992 - Field study of some Dutch heath vegetations, as part of a re-introduction program for Arnica montana, Gentiana pneumonanthe and Pedicularis sylvatica, at the Rijkuniversiteit of Groningen. 1991-1992 - Revision of the Dutch Macrolepiota (Agaricaceae, Fungi), at the Rijksherbarium, Leiden. 1987 - Start of Biology degree at the Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden.
Main Research InterestsThe morphology, phylogeny and distribution of the species of the native Australian genus Pultenaea (Fabaceae).
Other InterestsThe systematics of the Labiatae and especially of species belonging to the Clerondendreae. The systematics of the Dutch Macrolepiota (Agaricaceae, Fungi). Historical biogeography of South-East Asia, South-Pacific and Australia.
Awards1996 - Award for the best research within the EC Human Capital and Mobility, Co-operative Network in the Botanical Diversity of the Indo-Pacific region.
Other Activities1992-present - Member of the Dutch Mycological Society.1998-present - Member of the Australian Systematic Botany Society. 1994-1997 - Member of the Rare Plants group of the Ashmolean Natural History Society, Oxford.
PublicationsR.P.J. de Kok & S. Atkins (1997) The genus Archboldia Beer & Lam is put into the synonymy of Clerodendrum L. (Labiatae). Kew Bulletin 52(2): 503-504.R.P.J de Kok & E.C. Vellinga (1998) Notulae ad floram agaricinam neerlandicam - XXXI, Macrolepiota. Persoonia 17(1). R.P.J. de Kok & D. J. Mabberley. The genus Faradaya F. Muell. (Labiatae). Accepted by Blumea. R.J. Grayer & R.P.J de Kok. Flavonoids and verbascoside as chemotaxonomic characters in the genera Oxera and Faradaya (Labiatae). Accepted by Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. R.P.J. de Kok & D. J. Mabberley (in press) The systematics of Oxera Labill. (Labiatae). Submitted to Kew Bulletin. R.P.J. de Kok (in press.) Lamiaceae. in S.V. Heald (ed), Families of Neotropical Flowering plants. New York Botanical Garden/ Princeton University Press. New York. R.P.J. de Kok., A. Paton., R. J. Grayer, D. J. Mabberley & D. Steane (in prep.) Cladistic analysis of Oxera Labill., Faradaya F. Muell. and Hosea Ridl. (Labiatae). D.J. Mabberley & R.P.J. de Kok (in prep.) Labiatae. in P. Morat, Flore de la Nouvelle-Caldonie.
Other PublicationsR.P.J. de Kok (1992) Het geslacht Macrolepiota in Nederland. Coolia 34: 97-101.R.J. Strykstra, V. Westhoff & R.P.J. de Kok (1992) Een vergelijking tussen oude en nieuwe vegetatieopnamen met Arnica montana, Gentiana pneumonanthe en Pedicularis sylvatica, als referentiekader bij introductie van soorten. Stratiotes 5: 28-40. R.P.J. de Kok (1995) Systematics of Oxera Labill. and Faradaya F. Muell. (Labiatae). Oxford Plant Systematics 3: 13. R.P.J. de Kok (1996) Hosea Ridl., a monotypic and enigmatic genus of the Labiatae. Oxford Plant Systematics 4: 10. R.P.J. de Kok (1997) Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea, a D.phil thesis. Oxford Plant Systematics 5: 10. R.P.J. de Kok. (1997) The biology and systematics of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea (Labiatae). Doctoral Thesis, University of Oxford. R.P.J. de Kok. (1998) The Systematics and Conservation of Oxera, Faradaya and Hosea. Labiatae Newsletter.
Lectures and Posters1991 - Macrolepiota's in Nederland. Lecture at the annual science meeting of the Dutch Mycological Society.1994 - Introduction into the systematics of Oxera Labill. Lecture at first conference of the EC Human Capital and Mobility, Co-operative Network in the Botanical Diversity of the Indo-Pacific region, at Leiden. 1995 - The systematics of Oxera Labill. and Faradaya F. Muell. Poster presentation at the Thirth Flora Malesiana symposium at Kew. 1995 - The systematics of Oxera Labill. and Faradaya F. Muell. Lecture at the second conference of the EC Human Capital and Mobility, Co-operative Network in the Botanical Diversity of the Indo-Pacific region, at Kew. 1996 - The systematics of Oxera Labill., Faradaya F. Muell. and Hosea Ridl. Lecture at the third conference of the EC Human Capital and Mobility, Co-operative Network in the Botanical Diversity of the Indo-Pacific region, at Dublin. 1997 - The systematics of Oxera Labill., Faradaya F. Muell. and Hosea Ridl. (Labiatae). Lecture at the first biennial international conference of the Systematics Association. Oxford. 1998 - The systematics and pollination biology of Oxera Labill., Faradaya F. Muell. and Hosea Ridl. (Labiatae). Fourth international Flora Malesiana symposium, Kuala lumpur.
Rogier P.J. de Kok
Australian National Herbarium
Email: Rogier.dekok@pi.csiro.au