Integrated Biodiversity Information System
I B I S Australian National Herbarium |
Some sources for authoritative plant names and synonymies in Australia
The last two URIs are aliases for object names which can be dereferenced by your client interface to deliver HTML, XML, RDF, CSV, or JSON resources. The default output for a web browser is not always predictable so explicit requests to the HTML resource should add an html extension thus ... http://biodiversity.org.au/taxon/Dodonaea_ovata.html
The name and taxon URI discovered using these tools should be used without extension for cross referencing external datasets through NSL.
http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.name/18354 is the NSL unique identifier for the name object that is Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq.
http://biodiversity.org.au/apni.taxon/298605 is the NSL unique identifier for the taxon object that is Dodonaea viscosa (L.) Jacq. sensu CHAH 2006.
These URIs can also be expressed as LSIDs in the form
Note from Greg Whitbread, ALA team lead for National Species Lists
Mapping Names is relatively easy and we are working on improving ways to do that. Mapping concepts after the fact is difficult. But for newly entered taxa, matching to APC concepts should be doable. In either case integrating NSL identifiers for names and concepts will provide for ALA level interoperability.