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Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria |
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Born on 15 January 1938 in Mackay, Queensland; died 9 March 2025.
Primary education: Mackay, Pomona, Proserpine.
Secondary education: Proserpine State High (Junior), Evening tutorial classes (Senior) p/t, Brisbane.
Tertiary education: Universty of Queensland (part time)
Rodney (Rod) Henderson retired from the Queensland Public Service
on 29 November 2002 after a career of just over 48 years, of which 41 years
were with the Queensland Herbarium.
After commencing as a clerk with the Department of Public Lands in August 1954 at the age of 16, Rod took up a cadetship with the Department of Agriculture and Stock in February 1957. Three years after this he was appointed Assistant Botanist at the Queensland Herbarium. He started writing research papers in the mid 1960's after an initial phase of "getting to know the ropes" under capable mentors Stan Blake, Lindsay Smith, Selwyn Everist and Les Pedley.
Rod had wide botanical interests in the groups he studied taxonomically, which ranged from the Solanaceae, Liliaceae (in particular the genus Dianella), Euphorbiaceae and more recently Rubiaceae. Field work took him to many areas of Queensland and later in his career travel grants from ABRS enabled him to collect in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and the SW corner of Western Australia. As a result of field activity there are about three and a half thousand voucher specimens of Rods, either as sole collector or as a collector with other botanists.
He was meticulous in the investigation of the groups he studied, and used a number of methods of research based on morphology, cytology, anatomy and palynology. Of particular interest to Rod was the application of the correct botanical nomenclature to the taxa he described and in the process of perfecting the application of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, he became the nomenclatural guru for BRI. Indeed he became so well versed both in his knowledge of botanical Latin and in the interpretation of the Code that his expertise was sought after both nationally and internationally over the years. He attended the Nomenclature Sessions of three International Botanical Congresses during his career and participated with enthusiasm in the debates from which new editions of the Code are based. His interest in nomenclature and its application to the naming of plants took Rod to the Linnean Hierarchy Symposium at the Smithsonian Institution in 2001 and he attended the 2005 International Botanical Congress in Vienna post-retirement.
Rod was actively involved with the Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS) from the days of its inauguration, being its second vice-president and Newsletter editor from 1975 until 1978. Many of the teething problems of the early days were facilitated through Rods participation in the assisting of the smooth running of the Society.
After his stint with ASBS Rod was appointed the Australian Botanical Liaison Officer (ABLO) for the 1978-79 term. Although set back financially, he often talked about this period as being one of the highlights of his life, particularly as he was able to take his wife Shonee and seven children with him and enrol the school aged ones in local English schools in Surrey, about 40 km from Kew. En route to the U.K. Rod visited botanical institutions in New Caledonia, Fiji, Hawaii, California, Missouri, Washington, New York and Boston and on the return trip he visited Singapore and Perth. While he was at Kew Rod wrote his own duty statement and recommended that one be written for future ABLOs.
Rod oversaw three core activities at the Queensland Herbarium during his career and it was a challenge to fill his shoes in these areas. They were overseeing the maintenance of the Queensland Herbarium Plant Catalogues, the editorship of the Queensland Census and the technical editor for the Herbarium journal Austrobaileya. The Catalogues have been of great use for BRI staff, where, as well as being a definitive listing of all plant taxa recognised at BRI, it is the main source of information about revisional work on Australian plant families. Although the Queensland Census has essentially been a spin-off from the HERBRECS database, it nevertheless required a considerable skill in pruning out extraneous matter before publication and Rod exhibited the skill and patience to guide this process to publication on three occasions in 1994, 1997 and 2002. Finally it was the quality control of the technical editing of nomenclatural issues for Austrobaileya that Rod came into his own, and one knew that if a manuscript had passed through the "Henderson" bottleneck there was a good chance it was in much better shape than it was before.
An attribute that Rod was well known for was his friendliness and approachability in all matters, botanical and general. Although he endured a number of hardships in his life, the way he overcame them has been a witness and inspiration to me and no doubt many others. Although Rod retired officially in 2002, he joined the league of the research associates at BRI, and finished off some of his research projects on the days he was not occupied with his other main interests in life, square dancing and involvement with his grandchildren.
(with new names/combinations published therein attributable to R.J.F.Hend., either alone or with another author)
(1964). Some Weeds of Dairy Farms in the Beaudesert Area. Information Leaflet, Dept. of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1966). The Chemical Control of Nut Grass. Information Leaflet, Dept. of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1969). Podolepis monticola, a new Species of Compositae from Queensland. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 2: 1-9.
[Podolepis monticola R.J.F.Hend.]
(1969). A Cytological Study of Lantana montevidensis (Spreng.) Briq. in Queensland. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 3: 1-4.
(1973). Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S.Moore in Australia Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland 84(4): 55-60.
[Chromosome counts for plants in Queensland published for the 1st time: 2n = 40]
(1973). In Love, A. IOPB Chromosome Number reports XXXIX. Taxon 22(1): 116.
[Chromosome counts for 15 native Queensland species published (? for 1st time)]
(1974). Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae) and Related Species in Australia. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 16: 1-78.
[Solanum nodiflorum subsp. nutans R.J.F.Hend.]
(1975). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 4: pp 1-11. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1975). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 5: pp 1-18. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1975). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 6: pp 1-14. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1976). History and Floristics of the Blackdown Tableland, Central Queensland. Queensland Naturalist 21(5-6): 119-124.
(1976). Plants of Blackdown Tableland. Queensland Naturalist 21(5-6):125-132.
(1976). Recent Publications. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 7: 15-17.
(1976). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 7: pp 1-20. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1976). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 8: pp 1-20. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1976). Some Recent Publications of Interest. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 9: 10.
(1976). Thickhead (Crassocephalum crepidioides) still spreading in Queensland. Australian Weeds ResearchNsltr. 23: 21.
(1976). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 9: pp1-24. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1977). Notes on Solanum (Solanaceae) in Australia Austrobaileya 1(1): 13-22.
(1977). Typification of Dianella Lam. ex Juss. (Liliaceae). Taxon 26(1): 131-137.
(1977). Rejection of Specific Species Names. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 10: 4-5.
(1977) Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 10: pp 1-18. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1977). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 11: pp 1-23. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1977). Editor, Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 13: pp 1-19. Australian Systematic Botany Society.
(1978). Eremophila linsmithii, a new species of Myoporaceae from Queensland. Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Garden 1(3): 171-174.
[Eremophila linsmithii R.J.F.Hend.]
(1979). George Bentham commemorated in Central London Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 17: 5.
(1979). Australian Flora on Wedgwood china. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 17: 5.
(1980). Report of the Australian Botanical Liaison Officer, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey, England - 1978-1979 term 1-43. Botany Branch, Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane, Queensland.
(1980). Review of the Endemic Flora of Tasmania Part 6 by M. Stones & W. Curtis. Kew Bulletin 34: 614.
(1980). Use of herbaria at LINN. ASB SNsltr. 23: 13-15.
(1981). Dianella Lam. ex Juss. In J.P. Jessop, ed., Flora of Central Australia 421. ISBN 0 589 50226 2 Australian Systematic Botany Society; A.H. & A.W. Reed Pty Ltd., Sydney.
(1982). Lecythidaceae, Flora of Australia 8: 1-6, 25. ISBN 0 6440 2017 2 (case bound) Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1982). Romnalda grallata, a new species of the Xanthorrhoeaceae from Queensland. Kew Bulletin 37(2): 229-235.
[Romnalda grallata R.J.F.Hend.]
(1982). Selwyn Everist (1913-1981). Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 31: 27-28.
(1983). 6. Plants of Australia In D.J. Carr, ed., Sydney Parkinson, Artist of Cooks Endeavour Voyage 128-177. ISBN 0 7081 1172 6 British Museum (Natural History) with Australian National University Press, Canberra.
(1983). Polynomials and the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 37: 1-2.
(1983). 66. Zygophyllaceae In T.D. Stanley & E.M. Ross eds., Flora of South-eastern Queensland 1: 402-403. ISSN 0728-0688 Queensland Dept of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1984). A Note on F.M. Baileys Botany Bulletins. Austrobaileya 2(1): 107.
(1984). Barringtonia, The genus Barringtonia J.R. & G. Forster in Australia. Australian Plants 12(99): 265-267.
(1984). Bibliography of Karel Domins Beitrage on Australian Plants. Taxon 33(4): 673-679.
(1984). The Chelsea Physic Garden. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 39: 8-15.
(1985). Thelionema, a new genus of the Phormiaceae from Australia. Austrobaileya 2(2): 109-111.
[Thelionema R.J.F.Hend.]
[Thelionema caespitosum (R.Br.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Thelionema grande (C.T.White) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Thelionema umbellatum (R.Br.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1985). New species from Blackdown Tableland, Central Queensland - 1. Austrobaileya 2(2): 192-197.
[Hardenbergia perbrevidens R.J.F.Hend.]
[Logania diffusa R.J.F.Hend.]
(1985). Note accompanying "On the Joint and Separate work of the Authors of Bentham and Hookers Genera Plantarum by G. Bentham" Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 41: 21-22.
(1986). Dianella In J.P.Jessop & H.R.Toelken, ed., Flora of South Australia edn 4, part 4: 1754-1755. ISBN 0 7243 4672 4. Government Printer, Adelaide.
(1986). Xanthorrhoeaceae, 2. Romnalda, Flora of Australia 46: 91-93, 210. ISBN 0 6440 4356 3. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1986). (275)-(287) Proposals to amend the Code. Taxon 35(4): 851-853.
(1987). C.T. White Memorial Lecture for 1987: Writing for the Flora of Australia. Queensland Naturalist 28(1-4): 75-83.
(1987). Liliaceae, 8. Blandfordia, Flora of Australia 45: 175-178, 220, 433, 467-468. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 9. Hypoxis, Flora of Australia 45: 178-190, 220, 433-434, 487-490. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7 Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Hypoxis arillacea R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis exilis R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis gardneri R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis glabella var. leptantha (Benth.)R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis hygrometrica var. splendida R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis hygrometrica var. villosisepala R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis nervosa R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis occidentalis var. quadriloba (F.Muell.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis pratensis var. tuberculata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Hypoxis vaginata var. brevistigmata R.J.F.Hend.]
(1987). Liliaceae, 10. Curculigo, Flora of Australia 45: 186, 191-192, 220, 434, 475-476. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 11. Molineria, Flora of Australia 45: 188, 192-193, 220, 434. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 13. Dianella, Flora of Australia 45: 194-219, 221-222, 224-225, 434-437, 476-485. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Dianella atraxis R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella brevipedunculata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. aquilonia R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. assera R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. cinerascens R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. petasmatodes R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. producta R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. protensa R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella caerulea var. vannata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella crinoides R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella incollata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella longifolia var. fragrans R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella longifolia var. grandis R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella longifolia var. porracea R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella longifolia var. stupata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella longifolia var. surculosa R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella nervosa R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella pavopennacea R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella pavopennacea var. major R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella pavopennacea var. robusta R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella prunina R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella revoluta var. divaricata (R.Br.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella revoluta var. minor R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella revoluta var. tenuis R.J.F.Hend.]
[Dianella revoluta var. vinosa R.J.F.Hend.]
(1987). Liliaceae, 14. Stypandra, Flora of Australia 45: xiv, 220, 225-228, 437, 494-495. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 15. Thelionema, Flora of Australia 45: 222, 228-231, 437. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 16. Agrostocrinum, Flora of Australia 45: 220, 230, 232-233, 437, 466. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 26. Sowerbaea, Flora of Australia 45: xiii, 222, 264-268, 440, 494. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1987). Liliaceae, 29. Caesia, Flora of Australia 45: 222-223, 281-288, 441, 471-472. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Caesia calliantha R.J.F.Hend.]
[Caesia parviflora var. minor R.J.F.Hend.]
[Caesia parviflora var. vittata (R.Br.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1987). Liliaceae, 30. Chamaescilla Flora of Australia 45: 223, 288-292, 441-442, 472-473. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Chamaescilla corymbosa var. latifolia (F.Muell.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Chamaescilla corymbosa var. paradoxa (Endl.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1987). Liliaceae, 32. Corynotheca Flora of Australia 45: 223, 299-306, 442-443, 473-475. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Corynotheca asperata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca flexuosissima R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca licrota R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca micrantha var. acanthoclada (F.Muell.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca micrantha var. divaricata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca micrantha var. elongata R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca micrantha var. gracilis R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca micrantha var. panda R.J.F.Hend.]
[Corynotheca pungens R.J.F.Hend.]
(1987). Liliaceae, 38. Chlorophytum Flora of Australia 45: 223, 348-351, 447, 473. ISBN 0 6440 5214 7. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
(1988). Nomenclatural studies in Dianella Lam. ex Juss. (Phormiaceae) 1. Austrobaileya 2(5): 419-426.
[Dianella adenanthera (G.Forst.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1988). New combinations for Solanum americanum Miller (Solanaceae) in Australia and New Zealand. Austrobaileya 2(5): 555.
[Solanum americanum subsp. nodiflorum (Jacq.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Solanum americanum subsp. nutans (R.J.F.Hend.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 5. Dianella In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 25-29, 31. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 9. Stypandra In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 32-33, 39. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 10. Thelionema In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 33, 39. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 11. Caesia In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 33-344. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 18. Sowerbaea In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 36-37, 39. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 165. Liliaceae, 23. Blandfordia In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 38, 40. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4 Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 166. Xanthorrhoeaceae, 2. Romnalda In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 45. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1989). 169. Hypoxidaceae In T.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross, Flora of south-eastern Queensland 3: 49-51. ISBN 0 7242 2523 4. Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Brisbane.
(1990). Crew Archives in the Queensland Herbarium - John Carne Bidwill (1815-1853). Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 64: 16.
(1990). Plants In Judith McKay, Ellis Rowan A Flower-Hunter in Queensland 60-61, 66-81. ISBN 0 7242 3847 6. Queensland Museum, Brisbane.
(1991). Family 14A. Phormiaceae In A.C. Smith, Flora Vitiensis Nova - A New Flora of Fiji (Spermatophytes only) 5, Addenda et Corrigenda 578-582. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Lawai, Kauai, Hawaii.
(1991). A revision of Lamprolobium Benth. (Fabaceae: Brongniartieae). Austrobaileya 3(3): 393-399.
[Lamprolobium grandiflorum Everist ex R.J.F.Hend.]
(1991). Studies in Dianella Lam. ex Juss. (Phormiaceae) 2. Austrobaileya 3(3): 473-480.
[Dianella fruticans R.J.F.Hend.]
(1992). Sowerbaea, the genus. Australian Plants 16(131): 302-304, 306.
(1992). Chamaescilla, the genus. Australian Plants 17(133): 13, 20-21.
(1992). Studies in Euphorbiaceae A.L.Juss., sens. lat. 1. A Revision of Amperea Adr. Juss. (Acalyphoideae Ascherson, Ampereae Muell.Arg.) Australian Systematic Botany 5(1): 1-27.
[Amperea simulans R.J.F.Hend.]
[Amperea xiphoclada var. pedicellata R.J.F.Hend.]
(1992). Studies in Euphorbiaceae A.L.Juss., sens. lat. 2. A Revision of Neoroepera Muell.Arg. & F.Muell. (Oldfieldioideae Kohler & Webster, Caletieae Muell.Arg.). Austrobalieya 3(4): 615-625.
(1992). The correct names for two Australian varieties of Ficus L. (Moraceae). Austrobalieya 4(1): 119-120.
[Ficus opposita var. aculeata (Miq.) R.J.F.Hend.]
[Ficus opposita var. leichhardtii (Miq.) R.J.F.Hend.]
(1992). Autonyms and author citations - surely theres a better way to combine the two. Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 73: 1-2.
(1993). (276-283) Eight proposals to amend the Code. Taxon 42: 175-179.
(1994). Editor, Queensland Vascular Plants: names and distribution 1-361. ISBN 0 7212 5745 4. Department of Environment and Heritage, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
(1997). Doris Goy In Judith McKay compiler, Brilliant Careers, Women collectors and illustrators in Queensland 59. ISBN 0 7242 7693 9 Queensland Museum; Brisbane.
(1997). Editor, Queensland Plants: names and distribution 1-286. ISBN 0 7242 7786 2 Department of Environment, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
(1999). Note In defence of Chrysopogon fallax S.T.Blake (Poaceae). Austrobaileya 5(3): 579-581.
(1999). Compiler, Queensland Herbarium Achievements 1997-1998: 1-35. Department of Environment and Heritage, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
(2002). Editor, Names and Distribution of Queensland Plants, Algae and Lichens ISBN 0 7345 2702 0 (PB), 0 7345 2703 9 (CD ROM) Environmental Protection Agency, Queensland Government, Brisbane.
Clifford, H.T., Henderson, R.J.F. & Conran, J.G. (1998). Hemerocallidaceae In K. Kubitzki ed., The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants III Flowering Plants - Monocotyledons 245 - 253 Springer - Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Halford, D.A. & Henderson, R.J.F. (2000). Note: A new combination in Morinda L. (Rubiaceae) for Australia. Austrobaileya 5(4): 731.
[Morinda canthioides Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
Halford, D.A. & Henderson, R.J.F. (2002). Studies in Euphorbiaceae A.L.Juss. sens. lat. 3. A revision of Bertya Planch. (Ricinocarpeae Müll.Arg., Bertyinae Müll.Arg.). Austrobaileya 6(2): 187-245.
[Bertya calycina Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya cunninghamii Planch. subsp. cunninghamii]
[Bertya cunninghamii subsp. pubiramula Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya cunninghamii subsp. rupicola Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya ernestiana Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya grampiana Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya granitica Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya lapicola Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya lapicola subsp. brevifolia Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya lapicola Halford & R.J.F.Hend. subsp. lapicola]
[Bertya linearifolia Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya recurvata Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya riparia Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya tasmanica (Sond. & F.Muell.) Müll.Arg. subsp. tasmanica]
[Bertya tasmanica subsp. vestita Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Bertya virgata (Ewart) Halford & R.J.F.Hend.]
Halford, D.A. & Henderson, R.J.F. (2002). Studies in Euphorbiaceae A.L.Juss. sens. lat. 4. A revision of Monotaxus Brongn. (Acalyphoideae Ascherson, Ampereae Müll.Arg.). Austrobaileya 6(2): 273-2292.
Henderson, R.J.F. & Clifford, H.T. (1984). A recircumscription of the Phormiaceae Agardh. Taxon 33(3): 423-427.
Henderson, R.J.F. & Guymer, G.P. (1985). Durringtonia (Durringtonieae), a new genus and tribe of Rubiaceae from Australia. Kew Bulletin 40(1): 97-107.
[Durringtonieae R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer]
[Durringtonia R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer]
[Durringtonia paludosa R.J.F.Hend. & Guymer]
Henderson, R.J.F. & Pedley, L. (1993). (273) A proposal to amend Art.68. Taxon 42: 174.
Henderson, R.J.F. & Reynolds, S.T. (1985). Synema and the Cordier Brothers Austral.Syst.Bot.Soc.Nsltr. 43: 21-22.
Henderson, R.J.F. & Sharpe, P.R. (1986). Appendix; Xanthorrhoeaceae, Romnalda, Flora of Australia 46: 224-225. ISBN 0 6440 4356 3. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra.
[Romnalda strobilacea R.J.F.Hend. & Sharpe]
Henderson, R.J.F., Van Haaren, P. & Harvey, G. in Love, A. (1977). IOPB Chromosome Number reports LVIII. Taxon 26(5/6): 560.
[Chromosome count for aggressive weed Parthenium hysterophorus in Queensland published.]
Henderson, R.J.F., Wilson, S.M. & Kraft, G.T. (2001). Kentrophora S.M.Wilson & Kraft, a new name for an algal genus in Tribe Amansieae (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyceae). Austrobaileya 6(1): 175-176.
Reynolds, S.T. & Henderson, R.J.F. (1999). Vanguerieae A.Rich. ex Dum. (Rubiaceae) in Australia 1. Everistia S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend. Austrobaileya 5(2): 353-361.
[Everistia S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Everistia vacciniifolia (F.Muell.) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Everistia vacciniifolia forma crassa S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Everistia vacciniifolia var. nervosa S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
Reynolds, S.T. & Henderson, R.J.F. (2001). Vanguerieae A.Rich. ex Dum. (Rubiaceae) in Australia 2. Cyclophyllum Hook.f. Austrobaileya 6(1): 41-66.
[Cyclophyllum brevipes ( Merr. & L.M.Perry) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum coprosmoides (F.Muell.) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum coprosmoides var. spathulatum (O.Schwarz) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum costatum (C.T.White) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum longipetalum S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum maritimum S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum multiflorum S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum protractum S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum rostellatum S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum schultzii (O.Schwarz) S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
[Cyclophyllum schultzii forma. angustifolium S.T.Reynolds & R.J.F.Hend.]
Simon, B.K. & Henderson, R.J.F. (1994). The need for Taxonomy and Taxonomists SGAP Qld Region Bulletin 32, no.4: 25-28.
Zerner, M. & Henderson, R.J.F. (1988). [text of brochure for] "East Coast Discoveries - The Flora of Cooks Endeavour Voyage" display. State Library of Queensland, Brisbane.
Smith, L.S. (Henderson, R.J.F., ed.) (1975). The Genus Eremophila (Myoporaceae) in Queensland with notes on the Genus Myoporum. Contributions from the Queensland Herbarium 19: Preface, Introduction, 1-49.
Dilleniaceae - Hibbertia hendersonii S.T.Reynolds, Austrobaileya 3(3): 533 (1991).
Mimosaceae - Acacia hendersonii L.Pedley, Austrobaileya 5(2): 309 (1999).
Myrtaceae - Corymbia hendersonii K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson, Telopea 6(23): 279 (1995); Eucalyptus hendersonii (K.D.Hill & L.A.S.Johnson) M.I.H.Brooker, Austral. Syst. Bot. 13(1): 138 (2000).
Source: Bryan Simon, Queensland Herbarium, ASBS Newsletter No.113 December 2002 [with some subsequent updates to online version]
ABRS survey of contributors, mid-1980s.
Portrait Photo: 1986, supplied to ABRS contributors survey by Henderson.
Data from 348 specimens