Common name:
Yam Daisy, Murnong, Native Dandelion
Family name:
Botanical name:
Microseris lanceolata
Flowering/fruiting season:
Summer - autumn flowering
In ACT, common in subalpine habitats and sparsely distributed at lower altitudes (Burbidge & Gray, 1976:395-6)
- Food
- Tubers can be eaten raw but were most often cooked in baskets (Zola & Gott, 1992:8)
- A staple food in S. Uplands; sweet milky tubers were roasted (Flood, 1980:96)
- M. scapigera Alpine Murnong - more fibrous but still edible root; Murnong was gathered by women using digging sticks (Zola & Gott, 1992:8)
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- Tubers are a significant source of energy (Zola & Gott, 1992:8)
- Tubers available spring, summer, autumn, less palatable in winter (Gott, 1995)
- M. lanceolata and M. scapigera have been used synonymously 'but Alpine Murnong is actually a different species.' (Zola & Gott, 1992:8)
- M. scapigera tubers taste 'sweet with a flavour of coconut ... more like a radish than a potato.' When boiled taste 'sweetish and moist but not particularly like anything else.' (Cribb & Cribb, 1987:171)
Language names:
- mewan : 'yam' Ngarigo (Mathews, 1908)
- minngar : Wiradjuri (Gott, 1995)
- murnong : Wurunjeri, Geelong (Zola & Gott, 1992:7)
Horticulture :
Most situations are suitable (Wrigley & Fagg, 1998:174)
Similar species:
Use code: