Correa glabra var. turnbullii 'Mt Barker Beauty'
A dense, compact shrub approximately 1.5m high x 1m wide, with
glossy dark green foliage. Leaves are ovate to elliptical with obtuse tips,
50 mm x 18 mm in size, glabrous and glossy on top, pale green and glabrous
below with defined venation. Leaves when crushed have a fruity smell.
Flowers occur singly on 4 mm petioles at the ends of short branchlets. The
tubular corolla is 27 mm x 6 mm in size, crimson for most of its length
then grading to pale green on the tips, which are barely recurved. Stamens
are exserted. Flowers gradually turn rose-pink as they age. The calyx is
green, glabrous, square in cross-section with 4 minute teeth at the points
where the petals are fused. Peak flowering is from Autumn to Winter with
sporadic flowering throughout the year.
This variety was selected for its compact shape and glossy dark
green foliage.
Correa 'Vanilla Ice'
Dense, spreading low-growing shrub approximately 50 cm high x
1 m wide, with strongly veined mid green ovate to cordate leaves with
obtuse tips, 32 mm x 20 mm in size, glabrous and somewhat scabrous on top,
pale green and velvety underneath with defined venation. The tubular
corolla is creamy white with a light covering of light tan coloured
stellate hairs at the tips, which are recurved, exposing pale pink on the
inside of the petal tips. Stamens are as long as the petals and barely
exerted. The green papery calyx is square in cross-section with 4
triangular pointed lobes. Petioles and pedicels are 2-3 mm long. Flowers
Summer to Winter with spasmodic flowering all through the year.
Thought to be a hybrid between C. alba and C. calycina, C.
‘Vanilla Ice’ differs from both these species in both leaf and flower
colour and form. C. calycina leaves are longer, elliptical and thinner and
the flowers are lime green in colour. The calyx is also larger. C. alba var
alba has grayish obovate leaves and white flowers with strongly recurved
petals split to the unlobed calyx.
Correa 'Ian Fardon'
Large spreading dense shrub with upright habit to 1.5 m x 2 m.
It has long ascendant stems. Leaves are on short petioles, dark green,
lanceolate, shiny, glabrous, leathery and convex on top, pale green and
velvety with tiny rusty stellate hairs underneath and having obtuse tips.
28 mm x 8 mm in size. It has the typical aromatic smell of leaves in the C.
glabra group. The ends of young branches are rusty tomentose. Flowers on
short pedicels occur singly at the ends of short branchlets. The pedicels
also have a pair of deciduous bracts. The corolla, which is 2.2 cm x 0.8 cm
in size, is reddish pink with mid green tips and a band of purplish green
in between. The tips are barely recurved. Stamens are exerted. The calyx is
green and cup-shaped with minute teeth. The calyx folds over maturing seed.
Peak flowering is from Summer to Winter with spasmodic flowering most of
It appears to be a garden hybrid with C. glabra var turnbullii
and C. reflexa as possible parents. This variety differs from C. glabra var
turnbullii, in that the leaves are smaller and narrower and have some rusty
tomentum on the underside. The flowers appear to be longer and have a band
of a third colour on the corolla. It still has the characteristic aromatic
smell of C. glabra varieties and the flower colour is similar to other C.
glabra var turnbullii forms.
Correa 'Summer Belle'
Small dense spreading shrub growing to 1 m x 1 m with shiny
foliage. Mature leaves opposite, 30 mm x 11 mm in size, elliptical, apex
acute, margin slightly irregular and tending to recurve, dark glossy green,
slightly scabrous and glabrous on top, regularly pitted with sparsely
scattered pale coloured stellate hairs on the margins. Underside of leaves
paler green, densely covered with minute tan coloured stellate hairs.
Petiole 4mm, light green, thickly covered with tan coloured stellate hairs.
Calyx 4.5 mm x 6 mm, tan coloured, square shaped, with minute calyx teeth
present, covered with numerous small tan coloured stellate hairs becoming
sparser towards the corolla. Pedicel 3 mm. Corolla 33 mm x 8 mm, rose pink
colour to the split covered with numerous small rose coloured stellate
hairs. Petal tips pale green covered with pale green stellate hairs grading
to tan and becoming denser at the tip. Underside of corolla tips pale green
and glabrous then changing to a pink throat. Stamens 8, strongly exerted
from the corolla, 38 mm long, filaments very fine and pale green, strongly
widened towards the base. Anthers bright yellow, 3 mm long. Style 33 mm
long. Peak flowering is in summer and continues through to winter.
This cultivar resembles C. glabra var turnbullii in foliage.
Leaves are glossy green and aromatic when crushed. Differs from C. ‘ Mt
Barker Beauty ’ which has shorter flowers and a green calyx. The flowers of
C. ‘ Mt Barker Beauty ’ are also darker red and green and the colour change
from red to green occurs further up the corolla from the split. Mature
leaves of C. ‘ Mt Barker Beauty ’ are longer and wider. Differs from other
C.glabra var turnbullii varieties which have much shorter, narrower and
paler pink flowers with highly exerted stamens. Calyx of C.glabra var
turnbullii is green rather than tan and mature leaves are longer. The
flowers of C. ‘Summer Belle’ are larger than the usual C. glabra var
turnbullii varieties.
Correa reflexa var. speciosa 'Carmen'
Plant size: 400mm (h) x 300mm (w) Flowers: Deep red (carmine with yellow tip) Flower size: 38mm long x 15mm diameter Flowering time: April-July Form: Moderately dense
Correa reflexa var. speciosa 'Carmen' has similar flower to C. 'Red Empress' which come from the Brisbane Ranges but the flower is larger and more tapered. Its leaves are light green heart shaped 26mm x 17mm recurved edges. It is the size and shape of the flower that distinguishes it from all others. Anthers just exserted, calyx is semi spherical. Frost hardiness: Medium
Correa 'Yes Please'
Small shrub growing to approximately one metre tall. It has dark green leaves and largered bell-shaped flowers. The flowers occur during autumn and winter.
Correa 'OMG'
Correa ‘OMG’ is larger than many Correas, growing to 1.5 metres high. In flowering the plant is outstanding with prolific, large red bell-shaped flowers. The flowering period is from autumn through winter.
Calothamnus quadrifidus 'CalflatGL'
Prostrate plant 0.8m(h) x 2m(w) with red one sided bottle brush flowers.
Anigozanthos 'Regal Velvet'
Strappy leaved shrub 50-60cm high x 40cm wide with red and green flowers.
Crowea 'Poorinda Ecstasy'
This cultivar is a compact plant to 1m tall by 1m wide. The
foliage is light green in colour. The leaves are from 30 to 40mm long and 9
to 12mm wide, oblanceolate with a mucronate tip. The branches are angular
and very slightly winged. The flowers are pale pink and occur principally
from early summer to autumn. Occasional flowers occur at other times of the
year. The flowers which are from 25 to 25mm across have a short pedicel and
thus sit tightly in the leaf axils.
It is difficult to determine the origin of this putative hybrid
by examination of the cultivar. The cultivar resembles a broad-leaved form
of C. saligna which is believed to have come originally from Kariong near
Gosford, NSW and which saligna has the typical noticeable winged stems
right to the tips of the branches whereas Crowea 'Poorinda Ecstasy' does
not. The branches are angular in the cultivar, similar to those of C.
exalata, with a very slight "wing" lower on the stems. The cultivar differs
from Crowea 'Festival', a previously described hybrid Crowea, by its larger
leaves and its paler flower colour.
What is ACRA?
The Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (ACRA) is an organisation whose primary function is to register cultivars of Australian plants. The activities of ACRA are co-ordinated by the Registrar, Secretary and a committee formed by representatives of each of the major regional (State) botanic gardens, the Australian Native Plants Society, and the Greenlife Industry Australia. More...Our sponsors