Lechenaultia biloba 'White Flash'
A natural colour variant of Lechenaultia biloba which differs
from other forms in that it has a clear and sharp break between the white
central portion of the flower and the deep blue outer area of the petals.
The plant in the wild is an open wiry specimen but with judicious pruning
could be shaped into an attractive garden bush doing best in a light gravel
or sandy soil. Cultivar received by the Authority on 10 December 1974 from
the ANBG.
Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon'
Moderately dense shrub 1.5m in diameter with large red terminal racemes for most of the year.
COMPARISON (R.H.S. Colour Chart 1966)
Grevillea bipinnatifida - perianth: 15mm Red 42B, style: 37mm long Cardinal Red 53B
Grevillea banksii - perianth: Empire Rose 48C, style: Cardinal Red 53C
Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’ - perianth: 13mm long Crimson 52A, style: 40mm long Cardinal Red 53C
Anigozanthos 'Dwarf Delight'
This cultivar is a compact plant with much branched flower
stems to .8m tall. The flowering stems are covered with plumose hairs.
These hairs are sparsely scattered at the base of the stem and around the
leaf-like bracts on the stem. The hairs are reddish in colour. The perianth
segments of the flower are green-yellow but appear apricot when seen
through the reddish hairs. These two colours contrast well. The leaves are
up to 25cm long by 1cm wide.
Anigozanthos 'Dwarf delight', which grows to 0.8m tall, is
midway in height between the ca. 0.3m of A. onycis and ca. 2m of A.
flavidus. The flowering stems of the cultivar are sparsely covered with
plumose hairs for much of their length, becoming dense towards the
individual flowers. The flowering stems of the cultivar are sparsely
covered with plumose hairs for much of their length, becoming dense towards
the individual flowers. A. onycis, is covered in dense, plumose hairs for
the full length of the flower spike while A. flavidus has them only on the
perianth segments of the flower and for a short distance below on the stem.
The majority of the stem in this species is glabrous. The leaf-like bracts
on the stem are the size of A. onycis. The flowers are intermediate in size
between those of the two parents.
Grevillea 'Poorinda Rondeau'
A dense shrub form 1-1.3m tall by 1m wide. The leaves are
crowded on the stems, entire and slightly the new growth is bronze. The
upper leaf surface is rough whilst the underside is silky hairy. The leaf
margins are rolled under. The flowers are found in small terminal clusters
on short branchlets along the stems and the perianth is rose-red, becoming
white on the perianth limbs. The style is red and about 20mm long. The
pollen presenter is a green colour. Flowers throughout the winter, spring
and summer months.
The foliage colour is very similar to G. baueri and is not as
prickly as G. lavandulacea. The plant has a more compact habit than the
G. baueri:
An upright shrub to 1.5m tall x 1m wide. Leaves are oblong,
glabrous to slightly hairy, up to 25mm long. Flowers in erect clusters in
late winter and spring. G. 'Poorinda Rondeau':
A compact bush 1m x 1m.
Leaves not glabrous but with rough upper surface and silky hairs
underneath. Flowers bright pink in winter and spring.
G. lavandulacea:
Very variable in growth habit, foliage form and flower
colour. Leaves grey-green, 10-25mm and flowers over most of the year.
Anigozanthos 'Ruby Jools'
The flower stems are up to 60cm high when grown in containers,
and possibly a little larger when grown in the open ground. The colour of
the hairs is uniform on the flower from the ovary to the end of the floral
tube. Perianth tubes are 3cm long, lobes are reflexed and split into 6
segments. The split on the underside of the tube is almost 2cm long or
approximately 2/3 the length of the tube. The branching inflorescence
normally carries 3 main branches with most dividing again into two. Each of
these smaller branches carries ca. 17 flowers arranged in a similar fashion
to A. humilis. The filaments are 3mm long and the anthers are 2mm with a
yellowish appearance. The anthers are arranged in a semi circle. The leaves
are 250mm long and 10-12 wide and tend to be semi-evergreen.
This cultivar differs from A. humilis by being much taller, with
semi-evergreen and larger leaves, similar to A flavidus. The flowers are on
a branched inflorescence, whereas A. humilis is rarely branched. The
perianth tube is not so deeply cut on the underside, whereas it is almost
entirely so on A. humilis. Anthers are arranged in a semi-circle, not in
distinct pairs as in A. humilis. The lobes are more reflexed and the
flowers are smaller (though A. humilis subsp chrysanthus can be as small.
The cultivar differs from A. flavidus by being much smaller and less
branching but with more upright branches. The anthers are yellow and not
orange as in A. flavidus. The split on the underside of the perianth tube
is much longer than in A. flavidus and the leaves are narrower and shorter.
Banksia spinulosa 'Honey Pots'
Strong honey fragrance of flowers
A moderately dense small shrub
1m H x 1.5m W
Flower colour: Golden with red styles
Flower size:
50-200mm long x 40-80mm in diameter
Flowering time:
Mar - Aug
Frost hardiness:
Years in cultivation:
Introduced in June 1999
Has the cultivar been tested:
Has been on sale in all Eastern states of
Australia for over 10 years
Chamelaucium uncinatum 'Purple Pride'
A moderately dense bushy shrub to 4m high and 3m wide,
becoming more open with age, unless pruned. Leaves medium to dark green
hooked at the end to 32mm long by 1.5 to 2mm across. Terminal flowers in
clusters are two-tone, dark and light purple, 17mm to 20mm across.
Flowering period in WA June to October.
Habit and form similar to locally occurring forms that is
southern forms of Chamelaucium uncinatum, however the branches are more
upright in growth. The distinctive feature of this old cultivar is its
two-tone flower colour, it has been in the nursery trade and well
recognised for many years. At present there are no known similar named
cultivars, though many similar seedling, which originate from this plant,
are now being cultivated. Probably the closest cultivar is 'Munn's', which
also has two-toned flowers, ie deep purple on the edge of the petal and
light purple centre. However this cultivar is also later flowering and the
leaves are much thinner.
Syzygium australe 'Oranges & Lemmons'
This selection has variegated leaves and red new growth and vigorous growth which lends itself to being excellent for hedging. Shrub form 2-3 metres in diameter, flowers white with pink elongated fruit.
Agonis flexuosa 'LemLimeGL'
Small tree with lemon yellow weeping foliage changing to lime-green as it matures with white flowers in Summer.
Anigozanthos 'Firefly'
Has arching leaves; average flowering stem length of about 28 cm; a flower with a yellow-green perianth flaring distally, a yellow ovary covered with red hairs and a style ending below the anthers; and flowering throughout the year.
What is ACRA?
The Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (ACRA) is an organisation whose primary function is to register cultivars of Australian plants. The activities of ACRA are co-ordinated by the Registrar, Secretary and a committee formed by representatives of each of the major regional (State) botanic gardens, the Australian Native Plants Society, and the Greenlife Industry Australia. More...Our sponsors