Checklist of Australian Liverworts & Hornworts

Updated: 6 April 2006

Scott & Bradshaw's "Australian liverworts (Hepaticae): annotated list of binomials and checklist of published species with bibliography" (Brunonia 8: 1–171, 1986) documented the names, literature and distribution of Australian liverworts and hornworts up to 1982.

Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts (P.M.McCarthy, Flora of Australia Supplementary Series No. 21; Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra, 2003) incorporated changes to the diversity, nomenclature and distribution of Australian liverworts and hornworts published since 1982. It included 150 genera and 870 accepted species and infraspecific taxa of liverworts (Hepaticae) and hornworts (Anthocerotae) from the eight States and mainland Territories of Australia.

This version incorporates alterations based on the literature since late-2003; 148 genera are listed alphabetically, as are the accepted taxa under each generic heading. Synonyms that have been applied to Australian specimens are inserted under the appropriate accepted name. Distribution by State and Territory is indicated, but the literature citations of the Catalogue have been omitted.

Recent changes are in blue text. Full references for these changes are given in the 'References' link below and are cross-referenced to in the Checklist in square brackets.

Thanks to John Engel for assistance.

I hope to update this checklist at least annually. All additions, corrections and comments will be gratefully received and acknowledged.

Cite as:
McCarthy, P.M. (2006), Checklist of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts.
Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. Version 6 April 2006.

Patrick McCarthy
GPO Box 787
A.C.T. 2601

Numbers of species and infra-specific taxa in the Australian States & mainland Territories [6 April 2006].
States (Abbreviations) Taxa
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)107
New South Wales (NSW)344
Northern Territory (NT)38
Queensland (QLD)401
South Australia (SA)73
Tasmania (TAS)416
Victoria (VIC)278
Western Australia (WA)91
Map of Australian Liverworts

Systematic Arrangement of Genera

Acrobolbaceae (15): Acrobolbus (3), Enigmella (1), Goebelobryum (2), Lethocolea (1), Marsupidium (3), Tylimanthus (5)

Adelanthaceae (5): Adelanthus (1), Calyptrocolea (3), Wettsteinia (1)

Aneuraceae (28): Aneura (6), Riccardia (22)

Anthocerotaceae (30): Anthoceros (15), Dendroceros (7), Megaceros (6), Phaeoceros (2)

Arnelliaceae (1): Gongylanthus (1)

Aytoniaceae (15): Asterella (13), Plagiochasma (1), Reboulia (1)

Balantiopsidaceae (9): Austroscyphus (1), Balantiopsis (3), Isotachis (5)

Blepharidophyllaceae (2): Blepharidophyllum (1), Clandarium (1)

Brevianthaceae (1): Brevianthus (1)

Calypogeiaceae (2): Calypogeia (2)

Cephaloziellaceae (11): Allisoniella (2), Cephalomitrion (1), Cephaloziella (8)

Chaetophyllopsidaceae (1): Chaetophyllopsis (1)

Chonecoleaceae (1): Chonecolea (1)

Cyathodiaceae (1): Cyathodium (1)

Fossombroniaceae (35): Austrofossombronia (1), Fossombronia (33), Petalophyllum (1)

Geocalycaceae (115): Chiloscyphus (54), Clasmatocolea (7), Conoscyphus (1), Cyanolophocolea (1), Geocalyx (1), Hepatostolonophora (2), Heteroscyphus (39), Leptophyllopsis (1), Leptoscyphus (7), Saccogynidium (2)

Gymnomitriaceae (5): Gymnomitrion (1), Herzogobryum (2), Marsupella (1), Nothogymnomitrion (1)

Haplomitriaceae (2): Haplomitrium (2)

Herbertaceae (3): Herbertus (2), Triandrophyllum (1)

Hymenophytaceae (2): Hymenophyton (2)

Jackiellaceae (2): Jackiella (2)

Jubulaceae (68): Frullania (68)

Jungermanniaceae (27): Anastrophyllum (4), Andrewsianthus (4), Chandonanthus (1), Cryptochila (2), Cuspidatula (3), Jamesoniella (2), Jungermannia (1), Lophozia (2), Notoscyphus (1), Plicanthus (1), Solenostoma (6)

Lejeuneaceae (169): Acrolejeunea (3), Aphanolejeunea (6), Archilejeunea (2), Austrolejeunea (6), Caudalejeunea (3), Ceratolejeunea (1), Cheilolejeunea (23), Cololejeunea (25), Colura (12), Dendrolejeunea (1), Diplasiolejeunea (2), Drepanolejeunea (13), Harpalejeunea (2), Lejeunea (23), Lepidolejeunea (1), Leptolejeunea (8), Leucolejeunea (1), Lopholejeunea (10), Mastigolejeunea (7), Metalejeunea (1), Microlejeunea (2), Otolejeunea (2), Ptychanthus (2), Pycnolejeunea (1), Rectolejeunea (2), Schiffneriolejeunea (3), Siphonolejeunea (1), Spruceanthus (2), Stenolejeunea (1), Stictolejeunea (1), Thysananthus (4)

Lepicoleaceae (2): Lepicolea (2)

Lepidolaenaceae (6): Gackstroemia (1), Lepidolaena (5)

Lepidoziaceae (111): Acromastigum (8), Bazzania (23), Drucella (1), Hygrolembidium (1), Isolembidium (2), Kurzia (15), Lepidozia (31), Paracromastigum (2), Pseudocephalozia (1), Psiloclada (1), Telaranea (22), Zoopsis (4)

Lunulariaceae (1): Lunularia (1)

Marchantiaceae (7): Dumortiera (1), Marchantia (5), Preissia (1)

Mastigophoraceae (2): Dendromastigophora (1), Mastigophora (1)

Metzgeriaceae (10): Metzgeria (10)

Monocarpaceae (1): Monocarpus (1)

Neogrolleaceae (1): Neogrollea (1)

Pallaviciniaceae (14): Pallavicinia (4), Podomitrium (1), Symphyogyna (9)

Plagiochilaceae (38): Acrochila (1), Pedinophyllum (1), Plagiochila (34), Plagiochilion (2)

Pleuroziaceae (1): Pleurozia (1)

Porellaceae (2): Porella (2)

Pseudolepicoleaceae (5): Isophyllaria (1), Temnoma (4)

Radulaceae (31): Radula (31)

Ricciaceae (51): Riccia (50), Ricciocarpos (1)

Riellaceae (2): Riella (2)

Scapaniaceae (7): Diplophyllum (6), Scapania (1)

Schistochilaceae (17): Pachyschistochila (6), Paraschistochila (4), Schistochila (7)

Sphaerocarpaceae (1): Sphaerocarpos (1)

Targioniaceae(1): Targionia (1)

Treubiaceae (2): Treubia (2)

Trichocoleaceae (7): Eotrichocolea (1), Trichocolea (6)

Trichotemnomaceae (1): Trichotemnoma (1)

Vandiemeniaceae (1): Vandiemenia (1)

To search the Checklist click on the A–Z link below.

The References link below cites literature used to update this Checklist since the publication of the Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts in 2003.


| A–Z | References |